It's Not Too Late

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Kuchel slapped him again. This time much with much force that she can make out the red mark on her son's face.

If only Levi is not her son she might have kick him on the gut like she did to Eren who is currently in the living room floor, curled up in pain by now.

Levi braced himself for another slap but what he got is a punch on his left cheek, knocking him on the tiled floor.

"You selfish, starstruck coward!" Kuchel towers over him. She had the urge to step on him but that will be too cruel. "I can't believe that you let yourself get swallow up by fame, left your son to me and didn't tell me that you had another one?!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Levi whispers, curling up like a ball on the kitchen floor with his hands protectively covering his stomach.

"Just like your Alpha. You're both the same, no wonder you two are meant for each other." Kuchel giggles, the sight is like déjà vu.

"Levi, my baby," Kuchel sighs and sat next to him when he started to cry. "I know you regretted everything and I know how much your work and fame took over your head. I understand," she cooed while brushing off the hair on the raven's face. "But there is still time to fix this."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'm horrible. I don't deserve Eren or Wish or Shy, even you." Levi cried.

"Oh, baby. As much I want to agree with you, I can't. There are a lot of reason behind everything, both of you were young and ambitious. I know the feeling." She hushed.

Kuhel was also a model but she didn't said a word about it on Levi, she stopped modeling when she got pregnant and to be honest, she also had the urge to end it. But she didn't and she hated Levi for going to modeling world as well. Guess the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

"You know what Wish always prayed for?"

Levi slowly shakes his head.

"He always prayed that his parents will like him."

Levi was silent for a moment before tears came flowing from his eyes. "Why? Why did he thought of that? I can handle the fact that he hates me but this..."

"It's not too late," Kuchel help him sat up and Levi hugs her tightly.

"I'm sorry, for everything that I said before, for leaving Wish to you, for aborting Bliss without consulting you. And for not telling you about Shy I'm so sorry." Levi cried.

"I forgive you as long as you know your mistakes," Kuchel hugged him back, she doesn't feel sad about Bliss anymore when Shy tells her about the gift they gave to Levi, about the angel plush. Kuchel can't imagine how awful Levi felt that time.

But somehow a simple angel plush makes everything seem lighter now. Even with Eren he was all smiles when he listen to the story. And to Kuchel's surprise, Shy knew sign language. The boy said that he and his mommy went to school together and learned sign language. And Shy is so happy that he can use it on Wish. To Kuchel's eyes, both boys knew each other for a long time even if they just met. It was magical. She never seen Wish so relax with other children before.

"I'm proud of you, you raised Shy so well. It must be hard by yourself, look at you, so thin," Kuchel lefts his face and check any bruise that she made, luckily there is none except for the red mark that will fade sooner or later.

"I was hard but I did it," Levi finally smiled at her. "But he stabbed Eren with a scissor though."

"What?! Why?!"

Levi just laughs when he recalled the cute in counter.

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