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Kuchel went to the back door and found the two kids stacking white rocks around a flower. She felt her heart warms up at the sight of her two grandchildren, she is willing to just stand there and looked at them but it is time for Wish to properly meet his mother.

"Wish!" she called out.

Shy heard her and taps Wish's shoulder to grab his attention. Wish is older than Shy but because of the child's dynamic it made everybody think that he was the youngest. He is small compare to Shy and shorter just like his mom.

"Your mommy wants to see you. He's already awake and waiting for you in the living room."

Wish sprang up, taking off his cape, he puts it on Shy's neck. When he finished tying it up, Shy squealed and hugged him before running on the beach with his cape flowing behind him.

"Well, I must look after him," Kuchel pats Wish's head. "Your mother will love you," she signed before catching up with Shy.

Wish took a deep breath, fixing his dress and taming his hair. He wants to look good for his mommy, so that he will not think that Wish is not taking good care of himself. Wish nervously padded inside until he saw him. Sitting on the sofa, probably waiting for him.

His beautiful mother.

He looks exactly like his pictures on the magazines and on TV, his father is also there. They seem to be busy talking that they didn't notice him. But how will they notice him if he is actually hiding behind the pillar.

He already met his father and Wish can tell that he is a wonderful person, his sign language is a bit sloppy but the child is happy to see that his father is trying to communicate to him with the endless amount of kisses. His father won't put him down on the ground at first but when his brother came and demands to have his fair share on spending time with him, that's when his father lets go of him.

He just hopes that his mother will do the same too. Wish squeaks when his father saw him behind the pillar. Here goes nothing.

He fully showed himself and stiffly stands in front of his parents. His mother just stared at him with wide eyes. Wish didn't know what to do, so he just gave him a shy smile and waved his hand to say hi.

Instantly he found himself being pulled on a tight embrace. For an Omega he craves of his mother, all his nervousness and shyness fades away as he hugs him back.

He felt his shoulder getting wet and he almost panicked. He made his mother cry, but his mother breaks the embrace and quickly explained to him.

"I miss you so much, I'm so happy to see you," his mother signed to him with tears on his eyes. "I love you, I love so, so, much."

His mother said the rest when he pulled him to another embrace. Wish can never stop the tears as well as the smile on his lips.

Shy Ackerman YeagerWhere stories live. Discover now