The Guard

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"Is mommy sick?" Shy pouted, looking up at Rogue. The older Alpha shifts his weight from one foot to another as he blocks the door that can lead Shy to his mommy. "I wanna see mommy!"

If Rogue won't get out of his way he had no choice but to use his full power to move the adult.

"Shy.... Now is.... not the time," Rogue nervously stated.

"No! I want my mommy!" Shy shouts, throwing his weight on Rogue and trying to push him away from the door but it was a poor attempt the Alpha did not move an inch.

"Shy, listen. Mommy is still resting, we don't want to wake him up right?" Eren tried but the boy didn't listen and continues to push him. It was really a cute sight that his son is trying so hard.

"Move!" Shy whines in frustration, he had the urge to scream and freely throw his tantrum but only cowards do that. Shy will fight to the death just to see his mommy, it's been two days already since he last saw his mommy. He thought that his mommy is just tried so he entertained himself by playing on the sand or getting shells for his mommy to see or explore the cool house.

Rogue will join him most of the time and Shy claims that he can handle himself because he is a big boy but he still needs his mommy. Now.

After a few last pushes, Shy tires himself and sat on the floor. But the boy still shows that he is still not giving up.

"Hah! I've already eaten my breakfast and I will not leave this spot until you go hungry and weak!" Shy proudly puffs.

"You know, mommy still didn't eat his breakfast too."

"Really?" Shy sadly said. Now that he remembered, Rogue said something about his mommy resting and not wanting to wake him up. But why does Rogue not let him see his mommy? Is his mommy that sick? Or maybe his mommy finds him too loud and noisy that he can't rest with him around. Shy did admit that he can be very noisy.

"Okay..... You can get mommy some food while I guard the door," Shy looks down with defeat.

Eren wanted to laugh but seeing Shy's sad face is making him think twice. Maybe Shy is trying to trick him, which is obvious but Eren wants to establish something with his son.

"Okay, I trust you to guard the door while getting food but you are not allowed to open it. Can I trust you on this?"

Shy slowly nodded and Eren proceeds to the kitchen without looking back. By the time he came back with a tray of food and tea he saw Shy now resting his back on the door, still sitting on the floor with a fly swatter on his hands. The boy looked extremely sad. Eren can't take it.

"Breakfast deliver! May I pass Sir?" Shy just nodded and moved away from the door. Shy was about to leave when Eren calls out, stopping the boy from his tracks. "My hands are full can you please open the door?"

Shy obeys, turning and opening the door as quietly as he can. The boy winch as the door creaks. It was a risk to Eren because he did not know what will the boy's reaction when he smelt his mother on heat.

When the door was fully opened, the sight of Levi on the bed covered with a blanket is the most pleasant scenery that Eren ever saw. He looks over at Shy and the boy was unaffected by the scents of heat, instead, he covers his mouth with both hands. Trying to not make any types of noise.

Eren moves to the cabinet on the side of the bed and placed the tray. Shy is still standing in the doorway, sadly looking at his mommy.

"Shy," Eren gently called out. "Come here, you did a good job at guarding Mommy's door. I bet mommy will be proud of you."

Shy lightens up, paddling slowly and quietly to the bed. He wanted to wake his mommy so he can show the shells he picked on the sand and tell stories about his giant sand castles with dragons. But he holds it back not wanting to disturb his mommy.

Eren smiled and ruffles Shy's Raven hair as the boy lightens up at the sight of his mommy but Shy immediately doze off and almost fell on the floor if not for Eren's quick reflexes to catch the child.

Eren wasn't sure what made the child instantly fell asleep, maybe it was the strong scent of his mother in heat?

Eren needs to research about this.

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