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They watch TV together all night until Shy fell asleep around 8. Levi puts him to bed while Eren happily cleans up the pizza box and washing the rest of the dishes. Levi came down and watch his mate happily hums while washing the cups.

"See? It's not that hard, right?" Levi said as he approach and hugs him from the back.

"Yeah." Though majority of his interaction with Shy are consist of nods, head shakes and short speeches such as "Thank you", it really, really means so much to Eren.

"By the way, you let Shy watch my films?"

"Yeah, I did when his old enough to understand your line of work. I only let him watch those with general audience ratings but sometimes he sneaks out of his room and secretly watches the film I'm watching every night. I was surprise to hear someone crying on the side of the sofa because I was watching 'Rogue', the scene where they torture you."

"So, in short. You were watching my ALL of my films all the time?" Eren looks over his shoulder with smug look written all over his face.

"Of course, I do. I will never want to miss your pained expressions. Hehehe." Levi said in yandere mode. "No, seriously. I'm maybe grumpy but I'm not cold hearted. Even when Shy is still a baby I showed your picture to him so you know.. and ...stuff." Levi continues, burying his face on Eren's back.

"Awww, Thank you~. Damn! You're so fucking cute! Owww!" Eren jumps when Levi pinch him on the side.

"That kind of language is not welcome on this house with or without Shy around."

"Wow, did you actually in force that rule?"

"Yeah, it was hard at first but now I'm ok."

"I'm so proud of you! And happy to know that you still watch my films and introduce me to Shy."

"Actually, I was planning to show him the video that Armin gave me." Levi grins mischievously.

"Wait, what video?"

"Nothing special, It was just a very drunk you, crying on the floor while calling my name and begging me back- video. Not that I found it cute or anything," Levi said in his best stundere behavior.


"Actually, I still got it here on my phone, I want to show it to Shy, telling him how pathetic his father is." Levi steps back, fishing his phone on his pocket and taps on his phone until he found the video. He plays it and shows it to Eren.

"D-Delete it!" Eren can feel his cheeks redden. He tries to take Levi's phone but the Omega is fast on his feet and easily avoided Eren.

"Oh, come on. Shy needs to see this~"

They both end up playing chase around the house. When Eren finally get his hand on Levi's phone by forcing a kiss on the Omega but unfortunately the battery was dead. Levi laughs his heart out as they both went to bed.

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