So Beautiful

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Three days past and Levi's heat is finally coming to an end. Exhaustion hits him like a landslide, he spends the rest of the day in bed.

Sometimes Shy will join him during his afternoon naps or sometimes Eren during certain intervals.

This time, he felt Shy snuggled closer him despite the hot weather. He forced his tried eyes open and he was shock to see a dump of brown hair in front of his face. He thinks it was Eren but Eren is not this small!

Sleep kept pulling him down every time he tries to open his eye. The tiny Eren stir and looked up to him, Levi stared at the beautiful mismatched eyes. His left eye was teal just like Eren and the other one is stormy blue like his.

Levi brushed his fingers on the mysterious boy's cheek. The boy responds with a purr of bliss.

"So beautiful," Levi whispers before drifting back to sleep.


It was a Sunday morning, when Levi felt his legs again. He found himself alone in the bed, he always had the urge to call for his Alpha but he knew too well that Eren had to take care of Shy and the guests. Levi reminded himself to apologize to them to what happened days ago and maybe what happened years ago.

He test his legs first and change into something presentable before leaving the bedroom, he wants to drink tea so badly that he can die. Finally reaching the kitchen, he noticed that the teapot is full. How did he deserve such an Alpha like Eren is mystery to him.

Pouring himself a cup, he heard heavy fast footsteps. "Shy! Slow down!" He yelled at Shy who is happily laughing and running to the backdoor of the kitchen but what made Levi froze is when he saw another kid is chasing Shy.

The new kid had a green cape with a hood on covering his face, Levi wasn't able to ask who the new kid was when both kids reach the backdoor.

Levi stands there while staring at the door. Who was that? He dreamt of a tiny Eren snuggling next to him while he was sleeping then. Could it be? He felt someone approaches him from behind.

From the moment he turns around, he felt the hash sting of pain on his cheek.

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