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Shy happily skips on the shore with a basket on his hand, he was wearing a sailor costume with matching slippers and a hat. Rogue remembered that his mommy actually brought him the outfit and the Alpha rummaged on his Mommy's suitcase until he found it and helped Shy wear it.

Now he's on a quest to get more shells for his mommy. Shy knew very well that his mommy is in heat but he doesn't understand why Rogue stop him from seeing his mommy. Shy loves it when his Mommy's in heat, his mommy makes the comfiest bed in the world, plus the calming powerful scent that never fails to drift him to sleep with good dreams.

Shy pause when his eye caught sight of a big shell. Shy ran towards it, picking it up and wash the sand away on clear gentle waves on the shore. His mommy don't like dirt but sand? Shy is not sure but he wants every shell clean for his mommy.

He continued his journey until found another one before he picks it up he saw another one and another. He decided to gather it all then wash them all together. He followed the trail of shells until he reaches the secluded part of the island.

"Look, it's working!" he whispered.

"Just look at him! So cute! He looks exactly like Levi but his eyes! Have you seen it?! They are just like Eren's!" the female squealed.

"Keep it down!" the omega scolds her.

"Shh! Here he comes!" another female said as Shy picks up the last shell.

Shy smiles down at the number of shells he got today. They are huge and colorful. The last shell he picked is heavier than the rest, only to discover that there is someone still living in the shell. Shy proceeds to the shallows, he releases the shell with the carb inside and cleans off the sand on the rest.

Shy hums as he clean but his humming and cleaning stops when a shadow down casts on him. He slowly turns around, his blood ran cold in his veins when he saw an unfamiliar woman with a messy hair standing behind him. Her eyes were wide behind her glasses, lips were pulled on a sinister smile, a droll slowly slips out of the corners of her mouth.

"Hi! There," she held her hands up like she was trying to catch a frantic rabbit.

Shy screams and ran pass the insane woman but another weird woman blocks his way. He can sense the scary aura that the woman was trying to hide. This one had a short black hair and a red scarf around her neck despite the heat. Weird!

"H-hey, we are not going to hurt you," she nervously said, also holding out her hands.

Shy flitches at her dark aura and ran to another direction but another one completely stops him and made him whimper in fear.

This one is male and he is a giant with yellow hair and giant yellow eyebrows. Shy never felt so small and afraid.

"There, there," the giant croons but Shy only finds the sound scary, especially when he notices that the insane woman and the weird woman approach them. Trapping Shy on their circle.

"Mommy...." Shy whimpers.

"Hey! Stop that! You guys are scaring him!" Shy somehow relaxed when he saw an Omega with yellow hair but fear still lingers. He was surrounded by strangers!

"Mommy..." Shy whines louder with teary eyes.

"Look, it's okay," the Omega purrs, he squeezes himself between the two woman and scoops Shy in his arms and starts rocking him gently.

Shy stiffens at the stranger's hold, he whimpers louder calling for his mommy. He was trapped in the arms of a stranger and surrounded by weird people. The three weirdos approach him further and look at him, closing him in their deadly trap.

"MOMMY!" Shy whines louder.

The strangers try to soothe him but it only made Shy shrink in fear.

Then all of them stiffen with wide eyes at the sudden wave of the powerful scent of heat and rage. A clank echoes, sending shivers on the four trespassers. Shy relaxed at the familiar scent.

"Let. Him. Go." Levi growls as he aims the shotgun on the trespassers who are currently crowding his pup.

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