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Shy finally tires himself out and was knocked out after playing at the shore. Levi took the drowsy child for a bath and Eren went to prepare food. They just arrived and Shy was very happy and energize under the heat. Eren knew this vacation is good for everybody, he can keep establishing his bond with Shy and making his mate happy.

Levi had been in the island before and it was very nostalgic, it brings back all those happy, wonderful memories of his stay there with Eren. Now, everything is much better than before, because they have Shy now.

Levi set the boy on the window seat while he prepares the bed, Shy will be having his nap on the masters bedroom for now because Eren's new maids doesn't know how to clean. Levi harshly scolds them and make them clean Shy's room again.

It is getting hotter, mainly because the island rest on the tropical part of the world. Levi wipes the bead of sweat that was falling on his forehead. He heard Shy whines uncomfortably at the heat and the poor boy starts to sweat.

Shy snaps awake with a whimper. He can't sleep with this heat! He turns towards his mother who is currently almost finish arranging the pillows.

"Pillow fort!" Shy cheers, climbing into the bed full of soft things. Shy toss and turns until he finally settles on the soft towels.

Levi took a fan from his bag and starts fanning the child. Shy instantly fell asleep afterwards.

Eren pause from pealing the potato's when a very familiar scent reached his nose. He drops the peeler and the potato and rushes up stairs to where the bedrooms are. He follows the scent that leads to the master bedroom, there he saw Levi, face flush, silently panting, sweat falling freely on his forehead while he fans the sleeping child that was the laying comfortably at the Omega's nest.

Levi's in heat. And he is not aware of it! He doesn't even notice his Alpha on the doorway, his attention and his instincts are focus on caring for his pup.


Levi looks up at Eren, he shivers at the sudden wave of heat that spreads through his body from the moment he smelt his Alpha. He stops fanning his pup when he tries to even his breathing before looking up to Eren.

"P-Put Shy in his r-room," Levi manages between deep pants.

Eren quickly does what the Omega said.

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