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Heads up, there's smut!



Levi screamed. He was on all fours on his nest with his merciless Alpha that was currently abusing his hole and hammering his prostate. When the Alpha came home, he was all gentle and sweet during their couplings, spoiling Levi rotten with coddles and kisses. Levi knew this would happen and he wanted this to happen, he stopped taking suppressant since the day Eren came home. But as always, expect the unexpected. 

"What did you just say?" Eren grabbed a fist of hair and forced Levi to look at him. "What was your rule again? About that kind of language?"

"T-They are not-Ah! ah-allowed," Levi moaned when he felt the Alpha tugged his hair harshly.

"And what do we do to violators? Hmmm?" Eren lets go of his hair, letting the Omega flopped on his nest as he continued his thrusts. He could't help the harsh pace, he needed to satisfied his Omega in heat after the 8 year separation and Levi was deliciously tight. Eren leaned over and whispered at the Omega's ear with a smirk. "How about a punishment?"

Levi eyes widened at the suggestion. God, he missed this kind of play. "Please f-forgive me, S-Sir."

"How will you learn if I don't punish you?" Eren growled as he lifted his hand to slap the Omega's right butt cheek.

Levi screamed as he came at the sheets but it was not enough, his body craved for more.

The bed creaked at their movements as their pace became erratic, the room was filled with the sounds of moans and flesh slapping. Levi was clutching hard at the sheets as he tried not to collapse at the intensity of Eren's thrust.  

"Levi, cumming," Eren breath, voice was low and thick with lust.

"I-Inside..  In-Ahh," Levi quickly said.

"Are you sure?" He asked this time with concern.

"Yes! Stupid Alpha! I need-Ahh!" Eren interrupted him as he reached and pumped the Omega's cock in time with his thrust. "Together then," Eren said leaning over and bites Levi at the neck, strengthen the mating mark's visibility.

Levi turned his head, giving the Alpha more room. More slick came running down his thighs when he felt the Eren teeth between his flesh.

Not long, Levi screams his throat out when he came followed by the Alpha's seeds spilling inside of him and the slight stung as the knot lockef them.

Eren carefully maneuvered them to a much more comfortable position before Levi's legs gave out. And he did it well, and he was able to move Levi on top of him without a whine coming from the Omega.

Though this was not part of Levi's plans for their vacation but he was glad it squeezed into his itinerary. He cuddled closer to his Alpha, purring in content.

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