Wish Ackerman Yeager

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Kuchel runs to the living room where a boy is sitting on the floor while playing video games that were made for children like him. She gently pats the boy's shoulder to grab his attention.

"Wish! Wish! I have something to tell you!" She signed to him when the boy paused his game and looked at her.

"What is it?" He signed back.

"We are going to meet your parents! Your father let us ride a private plane so we can join them on the beach!" Kuchel sighed, her excitement shows on her face.

"Really? We are going to ride a plane?!" Wish jumps up in excitement. "I'm going to meet them?!"

"Yes! Pack your things now! Will go in the airport in 3 hours!"

"This is so exciting! But.. Will they like me?" Wish's excitement dies down. "What happens if they don't like me?"

"Wish, don't always forget what I told you, your parents are very busy at work but they love you more than anything." Kuchel reassured him.

This is not the first time that Wish thought of those, he always thought that his parents left him because he is mute and deaf but Kuchel is always there to keep his mind away from such thoughts.

"Okay, I'll go pack now! But your coming too... Right?"

"Of course dear, I'll be always there for you."

With that Wish smiled at her before running to his room. He pack all his clothes and his green cape with an embroidery of two wings overlapping at each other on the back. He saw his mom modeled it on a magazine and he begs to have one, so Kuchel sew him a small version of it.

He came down from his room a small suit case. Kuchel is already waiting for him in the front door.

"Oh, sweety. You don't have to dress like that if your not comfortable." She signed to him.

For an Omega, Wish doesn't like to dress up in dresses. Kuchel is having problems on him when he refused to wear his school uniform, where male Omegas had to wear the same uniform for girls.

"But.... I want mommy to like me..." He shyly reasoned.

He saw his mom on magazines where he wears clothes for girls that is why Wish choose to wear the summer dress that Kuchel bought for him.

"He will, he always have," Kuchel pats the boys head before opening the door.

During the ride, Wish is not distracted at the extravagant of the private plane but he was too preoccupied on his prayers that his parents will like him.

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