Chapter four

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"We have located your family Thomas, if you'd like to follow me, we need to talk. I've contacted your father and he's on his way" McCall spoke "where's Minho?" I asked stubbornly "he's with his family" "So why do you want me?" I huffed "you need to speak to us St-Thomas. We can't help you if you don't tell us what happened" he spoke full with sorrow "what would it change?" I huffed out "maybe nothing. But it'll help you and your friend get some closure" "when will I be able to see Minho?" I asked causing him to huff "still as stubborn I see" he whispered "what?" "Nothing. I'll go speak to him now." He spoke walking out of the room.

"Hey man" Minho spoke walking into the room whilst patting me on the shoulder as I smiled up at him "I hear you have a sister" I laughed out "you heard right. They won't tell me where either of us are going to be living" Minho spoke sadly "yeah, they said it's for our own safety" I huffed out "do we trust them?" Minho asked "I don't know - they haven't given us a reason not to" "this would be so much easier if Newt were here" he groaned out "I killed him" I whispered causing Minho to snap his head up "the flare killed him Tommy" "I shot him Minho! I - I killed him" I yelled. Minho sat in silence for several minutes before speaking "like I said before, you didn't kill him. The flare did, you put him out of his misery you know you-" Minho was cut off as the door swung open "it's time for you to go home Minho" "I'm not leaving Thomas alone. We leave together or not at all" Minho spoke flatly.
"No. You need to go, I'll be fine" I spoke "Thomas will be leaving shortly, we just have to prepare a few more things" agent McCall spoke "seriously Min, go. I don't think I can look at that shuck face any longer" I laughed "you sound like a shucking girl when you use glader slang you know?" He laughed back as he pulled me in for a hug "I'll see you around Tommy" he smiled before following McCall out of the room.

"What is this about Rafe? You can't just expect me to drop everything, I have cases" John huffed "it's confidential, but I need you to keep calm, don't over step the boundaries. There's a boy, in that room, we've been working with him for a few days but he won't cooperate" Rafe explained "what does that have to do with me?" He huffed out "he might feel safer with you - just don't rush him - one more thing, don't call him Stiles" Rafe explained as he opened the interrogation room door.
"Stiles?" John croaked out as McCall let out a quick sigh.

"How many times do I have to tell you people? My names Thomas" I snapped "Thomas, this is your father" "my parents are dead

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"How many times do I have to tell you people? My names Thomas" I snapped "Thomas, this is your father" "my parents are dead. They were killed by the flare" "Thomas, the flare isn't real, the world isn't scorched. These people lied to you" McCall spoke sadly "I grew up here, I worked for WCKD you think I don't know that they're liars?" I laughed bitterly "how can I be sure that you're not wicked?" I asked as John took a seat opposite me whilst reaching into his pocket causing me to tense up.
"Here" he handed me a small black machine "you have a phone? How?" I asked confused "that's not important, look at the lock screen" he spoke sadly as I turned it on, being met with a picture of a younger version of me and a young boy with a lopsided jaw.
"That's you and Scott, your best friend." He explained as I struggled to breathe before everything turned black.

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