Chapter fourteen

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"I don't understand how you guys are this fast" Derek huffed as he sat down against a tree "don't be such a sourwolf" I laughed out causing Scott and Derek to snap their heads up "what?" Derek shook his head "nothing. You just always used to call me that" he replied "yeah wel-" "shut up" Minho snapped as he looked towards me with a concerned look on his face as we heard a twig snap, causing me to slowly reach for my fathers gun.
"Why the hell do you have a gun!?" Scott whisper yelled as Minho smacked him on the side of the head giving him a cold glare just as a girl appeared from behind a tree "Lydia - what're you doing out here?" Scott asked confused rubbing his head "I had this feeling" Lydia replied whilst looking around confused to as how she got here.

"What the hell" I muttered under my breath "where did all this fog come from?" Minho huffed out as I bent down towards the floor, "it's not fog" I whispered "it's not -" "yep

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"What the hell" I muttered under my breath "where did all this fog come from?" Minho huffed out as I bent down towards the floor, "it's not fog" I whispered "it's not -" "yep. We just realised that thanks Tommy" Minho huffed looking ahead.
At least five guards in front - and I'm betting more everywhere else all turning blurry "it's gas" Lydia breathed out as Minho fell to the floor with the rest of the McCall pack falling with him.
"You were always quick Thomas" ratman spoke out slyly before I too fell into darkness.

"What the hell is this place - where are we?" Scott huffed tugging at his restraints as I looked to Minho for help who just smiled sadly "no where good" I mumbled as Lydia began to wake up "hey at least now we know when someone's going to die" Minho joked trying to lighten the mood "What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Derek snapped "it doesn't mean anything - because none of us are dying" I snapped shooting Minho a quick look to shut him up as the door swung open, revealing rat-man "Thomas, Minho. You didn't think you could get away from us that easily did you?" He spoke slyly "listen here you have no idea who you're messing with" Scott spoke out as Rat-man directed his attention go the small fraction of the McCall pack "Oh I know exactly who you are, Scott McCall, the true alpha, turned by this ones cousin, and the one who can predict death. Lydia Martin. My job is to take care of the loose ends. That mea-" "what, you going to kill us to?" I snorted "we didn't kill anyone, the trials killed them. The trail you created killed them, we simply observe you." Rat-man spoke out as one of his guards gave him a clipboard and scanned over the contents before huffing.
"You see Thomas - if I'm still alive you've got to wonder who else is, Threasa perhaps. Maybe she'll persuade you to help us again" he added on before walking out of the room "don't listen to him Tommy - she can't be alive" Minho spoke out breaking the tense silence "yeah - I'm going to try and get some sleep, we need to keep our strength" I huffed tuning to face the wall and closing my eyes as the rest did the same.

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