Chapter forty-two

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"Do you think they're okay?" Malissa paced "if there's one thing I know about my brother - it's that he doesn't give up" Kiara spoke earning a confused look from Peter and Liam.
"You were five when you knew him. What didn't he give up on the cookie jar?" Peter huffed "you are not helpful. Someone tell me why we even bother inviting him?" Melissa rambled nervously.
"I'm sure they're fine." Kiara deadpanned with a eye roll towards Peter.

"EVERYONE GET DOWN!!" A muffled voice yelled over the alarm before several gunshots were heard.
"What the hell is happening out there?!" Minho yelled earning a smile from Thomas.
"Looks like our friends are here"
"You're one hell of a stupid shank, you know that right?" Minho fired "we couldn't risk them finding out" Thomas shouted over the alarm before it died down.
"Couldn't risk who finding out?" Newt asked confused as the door opened revealing Ava.
"The board. Now get out of here before someone sees" she quickly spoke before walking off but immediately stopping after being met with a gun pointed at her face.
"Thomas-" "Thomas won't help you" Jorge spoke confidently cutting Ava off "let them out" Brenda spoke slowly
"What do you think I was doing?"
"Jorge - listen to me, put the gun down" Thomas spoke slowly.
"Are you shucking kidding me Thomas?!" Newt yelled out in frustration "the mans finally got the bloody chance to kill the bitch and you're still choosing to save her!?" He added as Jorge lowered the gun in confusion as both Malia and John came running around the corner.
"It's compli-" "don't you dare say bloody complicated Tommy. She killed our family!"
"So did I" Thomas argued leaving Newt quiet.
"But you've changed - the people we were before the maze - they're dead okay?" Newt spoke softly.
"I'm not talking about before the maze - I killed you." Thomas whispered leaving the whole room in silence.
"I'm alive aren't I? You can't blame yourself for that Tommy - I asked you to"
"I'm so confused right now" Malia blurted out "you and me both" Brenda huffed.
"Just stop?!" Theresa yelled
"What a surprise" Minho muttered along with a eye roll.
"No Thomas is right - if we kill her then we're no better than her" Theresa argued causing both Newt and Minho to huff.
"Fine. Do whatever you bloody want - but just know we're not happy about it" Newt nodded.
Thomas looked at Minho for conformation, who also nodded his head after a few seconds.
"Let her walk" Thomas spoke firmly "Are you seri-" Brenda started "leave it B" Jorge spoke moving out of the way to let Ava leave.
"Let's get out of here" John spoke as everyone followed slowly.

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