Chapter fifteen

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"I think you need to explain what this place is" Derek spoke out gaining no answer from neither me nor Minho "why won't you tell us anything?! We're here because of you" Derek snapped causing Lydia to jump back a little "Derek that's not fair" Lydia spoke out "no this is fair. I want to know what we're up against" "it doesn't matter, all you need to know is that these people will kill you if you don't kill them first" Minho snapped "I'm not going to kill anybody" Scott spoke "then you're as good as dead - because if it's a choice between escaping or saving your ass - there isn't a choice" Minho huffed "Stiles? You have to tell us what's going on" Lydia tried.
"What if - what if they're all alive" I thought out loud "Tommy, as much as I'd love to believe that's true - we watched them die" "we watched Treasa die, if she's alive then that must mean the others are - the dream with Newt, if he's alive everyone can be Chuck, Winston A-" "thats enough! God dammit Tommy Treasa worked for them of course they would save her. The rest is of us a just collateral" "I promised him - I promised them Minho. And then I killed them - now I'm going to kill them before anyone else dies" I spoke out sharply "well if we're going to kill these shanks - we should at least tell these ones why" Minho spoke lower as I nodded.
"How do we even know it's the truth?" Derek asked coldly "because you'll hate the answers" Minho sassed.
"World in catastrophe killzone department. They are an organisation created to find the flare. They selected around 100 children, many were immune from the flare - others were not. They killed children for something that doesn't even exist and they still believe wicked is good" I explained holding back my emotions as the McCall pack had a few tears in their eyes.
"So know you now why we need to kill these bastards" Minho spat "this is where you've been? For three years?" Scott asked "well not here exactly - we blew up their old headquarters - seeing as its only been a few months they wouldn't of had time to decorate" I explained "they would have had several other headquarters" Minho caught on "they had three, the right arm blew one up whilst we were trapped in that one - we blew up the main headquarters" I thought aloud "this is their last one" Minho muttered "exactly. We blow this one up - they have no where else to go, they can't rebuild" I explained as the lights shut out and a red light flashed along with a siren that made us double to our knees, including the supernaturals.

Hey guys, thank you for reading, what do you think so far? Anything you want me to add or change? Please comment to let me know or dm me.
Thanks for reading 💕

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