Chapter twelve

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"Well his therapist just called and said he left about an hour ago" John told Malissa "look you shanks are overthinking this, he's probably gone for a run" Minho huffed "but we don't know that for sure. What if he's in danger?" John asked annoyed "if there's one thing I know about that stupid shank, it's that he can take care of himself" Minho explained as Malissa had an idea.
"So what exactly happened to you guys out there?" She asked unsure as John caught on to the plan "What didn't happen would be easier to tell you" he laughed bitterly "you think just because Tommy is missing I'll spill to you? God is everyone here that stupid?" He added coldly.

Thomas' POV:
'Shit, where's my phone?' I cursed in my mind hearing another twig snap from behind me, which was enough to send me sprinting again until I'd reached a public place.
I walked open to an empty bench looking for anything out of the ordinary before I felt a presence next to me.
"You know who I am?" The deep voice asked causing me to let out a breath of relief and roll my eyes.

"Well I've met everyone else in the pack, so my guess is you are Derek

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"Well I've met everyone else in the pack, so my guess is you are Derek." I replied "you know you could have just walked up to me instead of chasing me through the woods. I was two seconds from killing your werewolf ass" I huffed as he looked shocked "you wouldn't be able to kill me even if I was asleep" he laughed "oh yeah what makes you so sure?" I challenged "because you used to faint at the sight of blood" he explained as I huffed "you see you used a word there, 'used to' so you must know, deep down that I'm more than capable of killing you. I've killed worse" I spat causing him to tense "you've killed?" He asked shocked "yeah well the shanks deserved it" "what did Scott say?" He asked sincerely.
"Scott doesn't know anything. And even if he did I wouldn't care, I did what I had to in order to survive" I spoke coldly.
"It's a shame you couldn't save me Tommy. Before you pulled the trigger that is" Newts voice spoke out instead of Derek's "what?" I whispered out "I said it's good to have you back. Are you alright?" He asked "I'm fine" I replied with no emotion whilst standing up "you don't look fine" he fired back "I said I'm fine!" I snapped "I'd better get home" I spoke before taking off in a run.
"You can't run from me Tommy" Newt spoke "your in my head" I muttered running faster "I'm not in your head Tommy. You've felt it for a while" he replied back causing me to slow down seeing all the cars in front of the Stilinski household "you're alive" I whispered before everything turned black.

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