Chapter five

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"Scott, your my best-friend and I need you, Okay?" I cried out "do you remember what it was like before I was a werewolf? Thomas you need to wake up" "what do you mean, I am awake?" I spoke but it came out more as a question "Thomas, can you hear me?" Scott spoke out before everything faded.

"What the shuck happened?" I groaned out "you fainted, here drink this" John spoke as he handed me a glass of water as I eyed it "it's okay, it'll help with your head" he explained "yeah, I know what it does" I snapped, instantly seeing the sadness flash through his eyes and regretting my comment.
"I remembered something" I mumbled after finishing the glass of water I had been handed "the boy, Scott? I remember him drenched in gasoline - I stepped into the puddle with him" I explained slightly confused as 'my father' looked down.
I took this chance to finally take in my surroundings; soft bedding, countless books and a desk with a laptop sat on top.
"Where am I?" I asked coldly "you're in your old room, in Beacon Hills" he spoke slowly and unsure "how long was I out?" I asked shocked "a few hours, we want you to go to the hospital to-" "I'm not going to the hospital" I snapped "I have a friend, she'll take care of you." He fired back "I've been poked and prodded my entire life, I'm not going to go and let some stranger run stupid tests on me" I replied coldly "you may not remember me, but I am still your father, you will be going to the hospital" he spoke firmly "yes sir" I mumbled "do you want something to eat? I bet you're starving" He asked warmly as I nodded my head "come on" He spoke walking out of the room with me following silently.

"What do you want?" He asked "I have a choice?" I asked shocked, not missing the look of anger flash through his eyes "I'll cook you a burger" he said after a moment of silence as he began cooking something.
"This is amazing" I spoke out after I swallowed my fourth mouthful causing John - my father to smile "after you went missing Malissa taught me how to cook" he smiled "she's the doctor you'll be seeing tomorrow, she's Scott's mum - in fact you practically saw her as your mum" he explained after seeing my confusion "what happened to my real mum?" I asked confused as he let out a sigh "she died, she had a disease called fromental dementia. Do you know what that is?" He asked with sorrow as I nodded my head "I know there's no cure" I replied.
"What did they do to you?" My father asked after studying my face for several seconds "they killed innocent children - they killed my family and it was all my fault" I spoke out without meaning to "whatever happened there; wasn't your fault. They brainwashed you Stiles" "no - I built the maze, the greivers. I killed my brother" I cried out as he pulled me in for a hug and he held me until I fell into a cold, deep sleep.

Hey guys, what do you think so far? Any ideas/opinions?
Thank you for reading 💕

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