Chapter twenty-eight

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Well this isn't boring at all.
Thomas thought rocking back on his chair wondering if Minho had found Newt yet - if he's okay.

It has been the same routine everyday, wake up, work out, eat, sit and worry.
Whatever they're planning shouldn't take this long.


"Your dinner" am assertive male voice spoke putting the plastic plate through the slot in the door.
"Tell Ava I came back for a reason. That reason isn't to sit on my bloody arse" I snapped looking at the food in disgust as he nodded his head.
"I'll pass that along sir" he replied as I scoffed.

"Get him in here. Now" Ava snapped at Jansen who nodded his head in return.
"You have to understand Thomas that we need to prepare everything" Ava stated "prepare what exactly?" I questioned tensing up as Ava smiled sadly.
"We need to be absolutely certain that your friends won't come for you. I can't guarantee their safety Thomas" Ava spoke sadly "they won't be coming for me. What you need to do will be done before they can even think about coming to get me" I spoke trying to hold back my tears.

"I just want to know something?" I asked unsure to as weather she'd comply as she gave a short nod telling me to go ahead.
"Chuck - what happened to his family?" I choked out as she pursed her lips.
"His parents were - against us taking him. From what I was told they put up hell of a fight - unfortunately them fighting led to their immediate deaths. I promise you they felt no pain" she explained with little emotion as I tried to hold mine in.
So hard.

"I promised I would take him to his family. I promised him." I muttered "In a way you did. He's with them now Thomas - and I know he'd be proud. Very proud of how you've turned out" Ava smiled sadly.
"How can you kill a twelve year old boy? He had so much to live for - he hadn't even lived and you put him through hell" I seethed as she smiled sadly.

"I am sorry - for my methods. I appreciate this isn't enough for you - I just wanted you to know" she spoke lowly. Almost afraid she would be overheard.
"You're right. That's not enough - the only way any of this was worth it, is if your organisation dies along with those you killed. But, since you don't want to seem to stay dead - the only way to stop this is to stop you from experimenting" I spoke firmly as she nodded.

"And you know what this means? You know what we need to do?" Ava asked slowly the action of me nodding my head now taking place.

"I have to die."

Ahhh!! What do you think is going to happen???
Do you think Minho and Newt will get there in time??
Do you want them to? Do you really think Thomas is going to die for WCKD?
Let me know.
Thank you for reading 💕

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