Chapter thirty-nine

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"That's it. We're on foot from here. The less attention we draw to ourselves the best" Jorge spoke getting out of the car with the rest following.
"Are you kidding? We'll never get there in time" Noah spoke shocked.
"Oh we'll make it - we never said how far we were walking" Brenda smirked before looking to Jorge.
"Are we sure this will work?" She whispered causing Malia to look at Noah concerned.
"It will work hermano. It has to" Jorge spoke.
"Well where are we walking to then?" Malia questioned "we're flying" Jorge smirked.
"WHAT! Are you even licensed to fly!?" Noah freaked "no. I don't need to be, it's a berg. They practically fly themselves" Jorge laughed.
"Oh God we're going to die" Noah muttered causing Brenda to laugh.

"That's it. Get him out of that room now?!" Ava barked "may I ask why?" A young blonde asked confused.
"I know that look - people aren't coming after him my ass. Get him out now, take the guards" Ava demanded as the blonde nodded quickly and ran off.
"Subject A2 please rise" a guard spoke through the intercom "who's A2?" Scott questioned.
"Thomas - what do you want with him?" Minho snapped "we just need to ask him some questions" the guard answered back.
"Shove them where the sun doesn't bloody shine!" Newt snapped causing the guard to huff "we don't want to hurt you" "no you mean you don't want to get hurt. We all know we'd beat you" Derek argued.
"Let's just see what she wants" Thomas spoke standing up walking towards the door "unbelievable - do you remember what happened the last time you said that?" Minho questioned.
"Yes. I remember but what harm can it do now?" Thomas replied "he's right. God I hate it when you're right. Just - be careful yeah mate?" Newt spoke.
"Do you want me to come with you?" Derek asked suddenly gaining a few odd looks from the pack.
"No it's fine. I'll be fine" Thomas smiled knocking on the door before it opened revealing 4 guards and a female
"All that for one person?" Lydia asked shocked "he's not just one person. He's their best candidate - best fighter. That's why they need the guns" Theresa replied taking a seat once again "do you know why they want him?" Scott asked Derek "I might. I can't say though until I'm certain they aren't listening" Derek replied looking at the small cameras before taking a seat next to Theresa.

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