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Hey brother,

I'm sorry, please don't hate me. Don't blame yourself either. I was so good at hiding the extent of it. I'm sorry I left you behind, alone to deal with the world, I am so incredibly sorry. You don't need me anymore, at least that's what I've told myself to make this easier. I love you more than anything. You were my crutch, my reason to live, that's a lot to place on someone and you have never done anything wrong, I just didn't have the will to continue anymore. Live for me please, do all the things we were supposed to do together. Buy that Bugatti, go to all the music festivals, go skydiving, live your life to the fullest if not for yourself then for me. Don't be afraid to talk about you feelings tell people what's wrong express yourself and take care of yourself before anything. It's okay to make mistakes it's okay to fall. Just get yourself back up. I'm so sorry.

I love you so dearly brother, you will never know how much I have loved you. I truly love you with everything I have.

Your sister,


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