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I put them out on my arm.
I went from cutting
To burning
I know it kills
But I put it out on my arm
Why am I like this
Why do I hate myself
Why do I like pain
Why have I become comfortable
In the sadness

I've started putting them out on
My arm
Burning my flesh
I'm hurting myself
Slowly killing myself
Why do I do this to myself

I bring me pain
I hurt me
I cause this
It is all on me
It's my fault
I hurt me

I am my own destruction
Instead of creating my happiness
I create my despair
I create my pain
I am my pain
I can't get away from my pain
Because it is me
How does one get away
From themselves

But I'm too proud
I'm too vain
I can't just lie down and
Waste away
I try, I need to try
To get better
But it is so damn hard
So damn hard
As much as I'd like to
Lay down and waste away
I can't

The Darkness in my MindWhere stories live. Discover now