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-Ashtons POV-

I just stand there. Not knowing what to do.

why is she crying , 1 hour ago everything was perfect fine with her. I don't know but i wil find out what is bothering her so much that she's crying.

I call her and I can see her picking up her Phone and looking at me straight in my eyes.

I give her a look to pick up and she does as i asked.

"uhm hey is Cara here?" I ask her and I see that she has been crying.

"Hey ash , what is it?" She asks me and I almost want to punch her for that . Is she serious?

"Are you serious Cara, I walked in my room and saw you crying , what's wrong?" I ask her and look at her how she's cleaning some of her stuf in her room.

"Uh yeah i was watching a sad episode from Gossip girl and stuff" She says but i can tell she's lying.

"Cara?" I ask her and she turns around and so i can see her face . It's red from crying and I can see she needs someone right now.

"I'm comming over there." I tel her and she nods.

Walking over to her house i'm thinking about all the things that could have happend, maybe someone died or something.

I ring her doorbel and wait for someone to open , when the door opens it's not Cara it's her sister.

So Cara and her sister both have been crying , maybe something with the family.

"Uhm i'm not sure it's a good time to see her right now." She says and looks at the ground.

"I was on the Phone with her a minuteago, she said it was okay for me to come." I tell her little sister and smile at her.

"Yeah sure , come in then." She says and makes way for me to come in.

"Her room is upstairs and to the left." She informs me and I thank her.

Walking upstairs i'm not sure what to expect.

I knock 2 times on the door when i hear her say to come in.

"Hey" I say and walk towards her and give her a hug.

"What's wrong?" I ask her not pulling away from the hug.

"It's my grandma." She stops to pul away from the hug to look at me.

"she, .. she's in a coma." She says and I hug her again only this time not letting her go.

"It's going to be okay , she is going to be okay" I wisper in her ear.

We stand there for a while until someone knocks at her door and we both look up at the door.

"Oh i'm sorry I didn't mean to-" Her brother begins to say but gets caught of by Cara.

"It's Okay Mike." She says and he smiles.

"But yeah Cara , can i ask you something?" He asks her and she nods.

"sure what is it?' She says and they begin to talk.

"Uh wel yeah , so today at school I met this cute girl in PE and i was wondering should i ask her out?" He asks her , but what can Cara say to this I mean like , I wil help this kid.

"What's her name maybe I know her." I tel him and he looks at me with the biggest smile ever seen on a guys face.

"Mira Eleya , I think her name is." He tells me.

"Ha that old Mira , yeah bro she's funny and she's really sweet, you should ask her out. I tell him and he's smile grows yet again.

"Thanks Ashton right?" He asks and I nod.

"Yeah how do you know me." I ask him a little confused.

"You are like popular or something with your band i don't know , but i'm going to ask her out so thanks man." He says and i almost pee myself.

Me , Popular Ha funny.

The moment he walks out of the room I can see a smiling Cara.

"What are you smiling about?" I ask her.

"You are popular though Ashton" She tells me and i'm smiling.

People say it sometimes that we are popular cause of 5SOS but it never made any difference.

"Well where have you heard that?" I ask her and sit on a chair next to her bed.

"Wel so i was walking to my class and I heard some girls saying things like , Oh is that that new girl who hangs out with Ashton? Is he going to hang out with nerds from now on , and stuf like that , so yeah i gues you are a little bit popular." She tels me and fakes a smile but i can see that those girls hurt her feelings.

"Hey , you are NOT a nerd okay?" I tell her and hug her again.

"Yeah , but it's just like why do they want to hurt me when they don't even know me?" She asks me but before I can answer her mum walks in.

"Hey Cara , can you help me with something?" She asks me not looking away from her phone.

"Uh yeah sure mum , just wait downstairs i'll be right there." She tels her mom and her mom walks out of her room.

She turns back to me and smiles and then looks at the ground.

"Uhm, yeah i think I need to go anyway." I tell her and she nods.

"I'll let you out." She says and starts walking out of her room followed by me.

We get by the door and she hugs me goodbye.

"Bye Cara , talk to you soon" I tell her.

"sooner then we think" She smiles.

"Bye" I say and walk home.

I think i might be falling for a girl i met 2 days ago.

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