Chapter 30

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"Lizzy?" I ask not believing what is standing infront off me.

She looks up with chock in her eyes. I bet she didn't saw this coming. And if i'm honest me n'either.

"What can I get you guys?" Lizzy asks and looks in the direction off my parents.

We order and after that Lizzy leaves.

"What the fuck." I whisper to myself.

"Cara language." My mother says and I chuckle.

Of course my family and Shani don't know about Lizzy. It's not that important.

I take my phone and open snapchat.

I take a picture off Lizzy walking to our table with our drinks and add the caption.


I put it on my story and put my phone away.

We all start talking about the move and where they are going to live and where Shani is going to go for school.

"We are probably going to live somewhere close to you guys." Shani's mom says.

"But not too close." Her dad says and I chuckle , if me and Shani are going to live to close to eachother there are going to be problems.

After eating for a good hour we start our way outside the restaurant.

As I step outside the restaurant Lizzy puls me back into the restaurant.

"Don't tell my friends please." she whispers and looks at me with a sad look in her eyes.

"Why would I spend one second dealing with people like that." I snap and walk out of the restaurant.

*4 months later*

"Hey babe." I answer Ashtons call.

"Hey beautiful." Ashton says and I start blushing.

Even tho it's probably the thousands time he called me beautiful I will never get used to the feeling.

I throw my bag around my bedroom and lay down on my bed.

"Hard day at school?" Ashton asks and chuckles.

"You have no idea." I sigh and Ashton chuckles again.

Indra and her new boyfriend , who I don't like at al , got into a huge fight in the middle of the cafetaria.

"What happend?" He asks concerned.

Typical Ashton. Being concerend about the little things.

"Indra got in a fight again with Jacob." I say and sit up straight on my bed.

"Is she stil with that Jacob guy? I never liked that guy." Ashton says and I hear him walking around.

"Hey ash what time is it , and where are you guys actually?" I chuckle.

"It's 8am and we are in germany."

8 am , impressive for them.

"No Cara it's just me who's awake." Ashton answers my question.

"Why are you awake tho?" I ask him and stand up to go downstairs to get some food.

"Recording." He says proudly.

"Awwe babe you recording never thought that was going to happen." I say sarcasticly.

" Ha Ha." He says and laughs after.

I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge.

"Let me gues , you are going to make pancakes." Ashton says and I roll my eyes.

"How did you know?" I say and chuckle.

The girls , Serena , Indra and Shani have been coming to our house every thursday to eat pancakes.

Apperently i make some great pancakes.

"Babe i love you but I need to shower now , once they make waterproof phone's I will call you in the shower." Ashton says and I giggle.

"Cute." I say and take the milk out of the fridge.

"Four months done , four more to go." Ashton says and I smile.

"Look at us being mature." I say and chuckle.

"Don't ever call me mature again." He says and I laugh.

"Really need to go now recording starts in 20 minutes." Ashton sighs and I do the same.

I really miss the guy.

"Have fun , call me later?" I ask and he chuckles.

"This isn't the last you will hear of me." I laugh at that and he laughs too.

"I love you baby , talk to you soon." Ashton says and I smile.

No one really knows how much I love this guy. He can make me so happy by just being his dorky self.

"I love you so so much bye babe." I say knowing it will make him happy.

"Still proud I made you say babe , i'm like a proud dad." He says and I laugh.

"Bye babe , love you." Ashton says before I hang up.

I take everything for the pancakes and start making them.

After 20 minutes of making pancakes Shani walks true the door.

"Hey slut." She says and sits down at rhe table.

"Hey whore , where are the others?" I ask Shani and she looks up at me.

"Serena had a family thing and Indra had i don't know what she had she was just pissed." Shani says and chuckles.


"You already said that." I laugh and give her a plate of pancakes.

She rolls her eyes and puts sugar on her pancakes.

"No really what is it?" I ask her and take a bite of my pancake.

"When exactaly do they come back?" Shani asks and bites her pancakes.

Shani and Luke really can't go without eachother. Wich is cute but also very annoying.

They only knew eachother for a month when Luke left for tour.

"In 4 months , i'm not sure what date." I say and put sirop on my other pancakes.

"You really miss him don't you?" I ask my best friend but I already know the answer.

She looks down and nods. I stand up and opwn my arms to comfort her.

"I miss him so much." She sobs into my shoulder.

I'm not telling her but we both share the same emotions.

"Okay shani." I step away from the hug and look at her. I whipe her smeared mascara from under her eyes and look at her.
"Let's not think about it right now , let's take our pancakes put on some pyjamas and just watch some movies before we start our homework? I'll call your mum saying you can stay over." I look at her with a asking face.
A little smile appears on her face and she starts smiling like an idiot , "mean girls?" She asks and I roll my eyes. "Of course mean girls , who do you think I am?"
I call Shani's mum and of course she approved.
"I HAVE MANSHOULDERS" Shani says her absolute fave line in the whole movie.

"So shani , prom in 2 weeks." I look at her and she looks back obviously sad she won't be able to go with luke. I continue. " Do you think our dear boyfriends would be mad if we took eachother to prom?" I laugh and shani chuckles.
"Well the idiots aren't here to tell us what to do so what about saturday dress shopping?" Shani says and takes another pancake , who are now cooled down.
"Well one of us needs to be the guy tho , so i suggest you knowing you have giant manshoulders." I laugh and shani hits my arm and laughs.
"Not happening." We both laugh.

*a/n : heyy you guys, whoa it feels like forever , im so so sorry for not updating , this chapter sucks bc im just starting to get into the story again. Basically the reason why i havent been online allot is because i had to get good grades to be allowed to go to the 5sos concert wich is next week and gues who's going? This girl! So thats why i wasnt really online but once after fhe concert i will try to update more! Ily all see ya soon x

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2015 ⏰

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