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-Cara's POV-

100 of questions pop into my head and I just stand there , not knowing what to say. What is she doing here? Why is she here? How does she know where I live?

"Are you going to say hi or what?" She asks me with that god damn smirk.

"What are you doing here?" I ask her , ignoring her question.

"No hi , how rude of you." she says.

"I'm here to talk about my Ashton." she says and I almost burst out in laughter. Her Ashton? Is she serious?

"What about , your Ashton?" I ask her and laugh a little.

"About how you stole him from me." She says and this time I really burst in to laughter.

"So , I stole your Ashton from you , and how did I do that?" I ask her.

"Before you came everything was perfectly fine with us , he would sit with us in the bus , he would text me for hours , that was until you came." she says and I stop laughing to take a breath.

The pizza delivery man gives me my pizza and I give him his money. "Thank you." I thank him and he nods.

"wel i'm going to eat this , Oh maybe I can ask Ashton if he wants to join me , wouldn't that be nice?" I laugh and slam the door in her face.

I go to our kitchen and check my Phone, 2 missed cals from Ashton.

I ring him back and he answers on the 3th ring.

"Hey Ash , why did you called?" I ask him.

"Really I just saw Lizzy infront of your door, what did she do?" He asks me.

"Oh she was just here to ask me why I stole you from her , that's all." I say and take 3 peaces of Pizza from the box and put them on a plate.

"Oh hey Ashton I  have pizza here , you want to come and watch a movie?" I ask him and walk towards our television.

"Yeah I wil be there in a minute." He says and hangs up.

Only 2 minutes later the doorbell rings. "Come in." I say and point in the direction of the kitchen.

"What pizza is it?" He ask me and only a second later he answers for himself. "Hawaii my fave." He says and I can't help but yell "MINE TOOO" I yell and walk back to the television.

"Okay what kind of movie do you like to watch?" I ask Ashton when he sits down next to me.

"What abouuut , we don't watch a movie but everyday after school we watch an episode of a tv-show?" he asks and I nodd.

"Sound like a plan." I say and look at the Tv.

"What about Glee?" I suggest and he nods.

"Yess , I Always wanted to watch glee." He says and I go to series on DigiCorder and choose Glee.

"Let's do this. He says and we both start looking at the television.

After a good 3 episodes it's 23.00 and Ashton goes home.

"See ya tommorow ." I say and give him a hug.

"Bye Cara , sweet dreams." He says and I smile.

I close the door and head upstairs. I change into my pyjamas and put my hair in a ponytail.

I put my alarm clock on 6.00 and turn the lights of. Before I fall to sleep I get a text from my mom.

*From Mom*

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