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"Ashton." Is al I can say. "Do you like it? Is it too much?" He asks and runs his hands trough his perfect hair.

"I love it." I say and kiss his cheek. "Let's sit then." He says and leads me to the blanket. We sit down and he takes something out a bag.

"So I have toast with Nutella and-" He starts but I cut him of by taking the toast out of his hand and taking a bite. He stares at me with wide eyes and starts laughing.

"Hey don't laugh, I haven't ate in 2 hours." I say with my mouth full. He keeps laughing and I slap his arm when he doesn't stop.

We eat for a while longer and when Ashton stands up I look at him confused. Is the date over already?

He offers me his hand to stand up and I stand up. "What are we doing?" I ask him.

"Walking." He says and before I answer he goes on. "No we are going to do something weard." He says and walks towards the water.

"You are comming right?" He asks and I look at my feet. "Isn't it cold?" I ask him and he smiles.

"This is Australia remember?" He says and this time i'm smiling. He walks back towards me and I scream a little when I see him opening his arms. "No No Ashton No." I scream when he picks me up.

"Ashtooon." I scream and he runs towards the sea. "No put me down." I scream and he smiles.

"If you want to." He says and before I know it i'm in the water. "Ashton." I scream when I see him laughing at

I walk towards him and push him inside the water. "I'm stronger than you think." I say when he looks at me. "Peace?" He asks. "Peace." I answer. He walks towards me and wraps his arms around me.

We stand there for a while , just hugging eachother before we look in eachothers eyes.

Before I know what i'm doing I kiss him. I quickly pull away and put my hands over my mouth. Ashton just laughs and puts my hand of my mouth and kisses me again.

We pull away a while after that and I look at my feet. My feet are pretty interesting you know.

"So." I start. He smiles and gently lifts me up. "You know you don't have to carry me." I say and smile. "I know , but I want to." He answers and my smile only grows.

a minute later Ashton puts me down on the sand and I give him a hug. "Thanks for tonight Ash." I say stil hugging him. "You are so welcome." He says and puls away from the hug.

"So I was wondering." Ashton starts. "Do you want to go on a second date with me?" He finishes and I smile. "Ofcourse I wil." I say and he takes my hands in his.

We walk towards our houses and while doing walking we talk about smal things.

After a good 30 minute walk we come to my house and Ashton hugs me. "Today was amazing." He says and I nod. "Thank you." I say again. We pull away from the hug and he gives me a small kiss.

"Bye Ash." I say before going inside my house.

I close the door and lean my head on the door and slide down the doorframe. This was the best date I ever had.

I stand up and walk straight to my bedroom. I open my bedroom door and the light is stil on. I jump a little when I see Bryan sitting on my bed. "Tell me Tell me." He says and pulls me towards the bed.

"Okay so." I start and tell him everything even the small details. And the kiss. Oh god that kiss.

I stop and he has this huge smile on his face. "So , you kissed Hu?" He asks and winks. "Yeah , but it was a little unexpected." I say and he's stil smiling. "Okay enough I want to shower , i'm soaked from the sea." I say and he chuckles. "Well don't you dare to hug me." He warns and stands up.

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