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"What the fuck?" Ashton yells to Lizzy. She still looks at me with that goddamn smirk.

"Oh i'm sorry Cara , I didn't saw you standing there." Sha says and looks from me to Ashton. " Hey Ash." She winks at Ashton and walks away.

"C'mon let's get you cleaned up." Sererna says and takes my hand and leads me to the girls bathroom , Indra following behind us. We walk inside the girls bathroom and I can hear Ashton yelling to Lizzy but the only thing I can hear is "Just get the fuck over it , we broke up a year ago." So they dated?

Serena takes a paper and tries to get the most of it out of my hair. "I hate that bitch." Indra says and takes out a brush and gives it to me." Thanks and yeah , why does she hates me anyway?" I ask and brush my hair. "Her and Ash dated a year ago , she broke up with him but she never leaves him alone." Serena says and I can hear a small knock on the door.

"Hey Cara , you okay?" Ashton asks true the door and I finish my hair. There is stil some ice-cream in my hair but I leave it there.

I walk out of the door "Yeah i'm fine." I say and he gives me a hug. "I'm sorry , Lizzy is such a jealous bitch." Ashton says when he puls away from the hug. "Yeah , I gues she is." I say and smile. "Let's eat some ice-cream then." Ashton says and takesmy hand and leads my to the table.

"You okay?" Michael asks me and smiles. " Yeah i'm fine." I say and sit back down next to Ashton. " Okay let's eat some ice-cream then." Luke says and starts eating his strawberry ice-cream." This is so good." He says and I laugh. " Why are you laughing?" He asks with his mouth full of ice-cream. " You and Shani are almost the same." I say and laugh. "What do you mean?" He asks and I stop laughing.

"Strawberry is Shani's fave too." I say and scrol true my pictures. "This is last summer." I smile remembering everything about that day.

Shani and I went to Paris for a week with school and we had a day free and we went shopping and we got to a Ice-cream shop and she orderd Strawberry and I ordered Vanilla we walked out and took a selfie first with our Ice cream but after that one way or another we started trowing ice-cream at one another.

I wake up from my daydream when I hear Ashton taking a picture. "What , Ashton really?" I ask when I see him looking at the picture of me daydreaming. "Delete it Ash." I say and he holds his Phone above his head when I trie to catch it.

"You can take a new one but delete this one plaese." I put and he gives in. "2 pictures , one with me in it and one only you." He says and I sigh.

"First one of you." Ashton says and turns his Phone to take a picture.

I smile and he takes a picture. "Awee it's lovely." He says and let's me see the picture. "Yeah yeah let's take the other one before my Ice-Cream melts." I say and goes back to camera.

"smiiile." He halfYels and I smile. "This is going to be my new screensaver." He says and I smile.

After eating the Ice-cream me and Ashton walk home togheter. "Hey don't forget to send me the picture." I say when we are at my home. "I won't I wil send them when i'm home." He says and I laugh.

"So that won't be long." I say and he smiles. "Hey I'm gonna go now I really need to wash my hair." I say and he laughs. "Yeah that's a good idea." He says and hugs me.

"Bye Ash." I say before walking inside and going upstairs.

I take a shower and wash my hair with some appel shampoo. After a few minutes of standing in the shower I get out and put on my pyjamas. It's only 6pm but I like wearing them.

I check my Phone and see a message from Ash

*From Ash :)*

-Here's the picture ps. also check facebook and instagram ;) x-

I go on facebook , someone tagged me in a picture I open the picture and It's from me and Ashton , the selfie we took earlier, with the description ice cream with this girl!

Already 50likes in the past 3 minutes , wow how does he does that? I comment on it : need to do that again some time ;)

After that i check my Instagram and I can see the picture of me daydreaming with in the background Luke and Michael doing thumbs up on the Instagram page of 5 second of summer with the discription and she thought I deleted the picture X Ash

Oh i'm going to kill him. I see some comments saying that i'm cute , wait what is happening?

you are dead Ashton! I reply and get up from my bed and go downstairs.

"Right on time for dinner." My mum says when I enter the kitchen. "What are we eating?" I ask and take a seat at the end of the table.

"Mac&Cheese , wil you ask your sister and brother if they come?" She asks and I nodd.

I run upstairs and go into My sisters bedroom.

"Hey , you comming for dinner?" I ask her and she nods. "Yeah just giveme a minute." She says and turns back to her laptop. "Who are you chatting with?" I ask her and she smiles.

"Just this guy from my class." She says and blushes. "Oh is my little sister falling in love?" I mock her and she picks a pillow up to trow it to me but I run out of her room right on time before it could hit me.

I walk inside my brothers bedroom and he smiles nicely at me looking up from his papers. "Hey sis what's up?" He asks me and put's his books on his bed.

"We are going to eat , you comming?" I ask and he nods. "Let's go then." I say and pull him by the arm and dragg him downstairs.

After eating my sister and brother go back upstairs and I stay downstairs to help my mom with the dishes.

"So I saw some pictures of you and this boy Ashton." She starts talking and I smile.

"Yeah , and?" I ask her not knowing where this is heading.

"Wel you know." She says and I laugh , my mother has never been good in this sort of conversations.

"Yeah Mom bye." I say and head upstairs.

Once in my room I open my laptop and go on Skype , Shani is online and I click on the video button.

Shani pops up on my screen and she Screams. "CARAAAA!"

"SHANIIII" I yell back and she makes a hurt face. "Damn girl i'm wearing headphones." She says and I laugh. "sooo , how are things over there?" I ask her and her smile fades away.

"I'm not sure if Veronica told you." She pauses for me to say Yes or No.

"I'm not sure what is it?" I ask. "Wel first of all you didn't got it from me." She says and I nod. "Okay , so uhm Veronica and Stef went on a date on monday and they , uhm i'm just going to say it , they kissed." I feel a tear streaming down my face.

"Oh , I didn't expected that." I say and chuckle. "I'm really sorry Cara I want to keep talking but my mom told me to come and eat." She says and gives me a nice smile. "Yeah it's okay say hi to her." I say and click the end button.

I push the tears away and tekst Veronica

*To Bestfriend*

-So was it a good kiss?-

I send and regret it once I did it. she can date whoever she wants.

I get a call from her but I ignore it and try to fall asleep.

The next morning I wake up from another One direction song. I have a different wake up song every day so I don't get bored from it and sleep true it.

It's one day before the date with Ashton and I have no idea what it is going to be.

I open my curtains and see Ashton comming out his bed , only sweatpants on and I lock eyes with him and he laughs.

I got caught staring , again.

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