Chapter 27

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I'm back from the airport. I'm in my room alone.

Shani is downstairs with her parents.

The envelop is laying infront of me. The first one.

I pick it up and look at my name wich is writen on it neatly.

I take a deap breath and open the envelop.

hey Cara :)

It's Ashton here and right now i'm on the plane ( probably )

So this is the first letter from the 8 months that are coming. Gosh i'm going to miss you.

I'm not sure if I told you yet but i'm telling you now anyways :) I love you and I hope you will never forget that. You seriously mean so much to me. The first moment we met we didn't said anything to eachother. Nothing. You just stood there. But I understand jetlag probably ;)

After that we talked true papers :D yea remember that? because I do :D

The first time we actually talked in real life it was kind of awkward. We sat in my dads car and we where driving off to school because you missed the school buss. After that we began talking more and more and I'm so glad we did because else I wouldn't be able to call you my girlfriend.

This was actually supposed to be a little letter but i'm here to break rules ;)

Think about it in this way ... only 7 more days until you read the next note

Sweet Little Cara , I love you

x Ash.

I smile and close the letter before falling asleep again.


-Ashtons POV-

I sit down on my seat next to Luke and sigh. He looks at me and gives me a understanding nod.

"Hey think of it this way." He says and looks at me. "We are going to tour the world, think about that." He says and pats my leg before taking his headphones and starting his music.

I sigh again and take Cara's first letter.

I'm not going to read it now. I'm going to read it when i'm alone.

A little girl sits down next to me and smiles at me before looking at the seats next to her where her mum dad and another little girl are seated.

Calum and Michael are in the seats infront of us and are both listening to their music.

I look at the letter and sigh before putting it away. The girl next to me is looking at me before smiling.

"What where you holding?" She asks me sweetly.

I sigh and look at the girl. She seems about 12 years old with brown hair that stops under her ears.

"Can I ask your name first?" I ask the girl and smile at her.

"I'm Jane." she says and holds out her hand to shake it. I shake her hand and smile at her once again.

"Well Jane , i"m Ashton." I say.

"I'm 17 years old and i'm going on a tour with these dorks." I say and point towards Luke , Calum and Michael.

She laughs and nods for me to go on.

The plane takes off and I wait for it to be in the sky before I go on.

"Okay so back home , there is a girl." I smile at the thought of Cara.

"Her name is Cara , and she's amazing."

The girl smiles and nods again.

"Okay so as you can see she isn't here , and I am going to be away for 8 months. I will miss allot of things , stuff like her 17th birthday , Christmas , prom." I explain to Jane.

"We made letters for eachother , every week we get to open one each , and this one." I hold up the first letter.

"Is the first one , since we left this morning I didn't open it yet." I say and smile at the letter from Cara.

"Do you love her?" The girl asks and looks up at me with a frown on her face. Cute.

I look down at me lap and blush. "Yea I do." I say and look at the little girl. "Allot."

"Then read the letter , I won't peek I promise." She says and holds out her pinky.

Little girls and pinky promises.

I lock pinkies with her and after that she smiles one more time before looking at her mum.

I look at the letter one more time before opening it.

I take one big breath before I start to read the letter.

Hey there drummer boy ;)

Look at you , chasing your dream to become an artist. You are really doing it.

I remember telling you we where going to make little notes but hey this is the first one ;) and I can be a badass too ;) Okay actually I can't :D

You are probably in the plane now or in a hotel room idk :D Luke is sitting next to you isn't he? I knew it ;)

I'm seriously almost going to start crying. Just knowing that right now at this moment you are laying down with me and in less than 4 hours we need to leave. You thought I was sleeping ;)

Good luck out there babe ( there it is I said it , you happy now ;) )

See you soon x

I love you , Cara.

I close the letter and try to hold back the tears. I let one fall and quickly blink it away.

A hand touches my shoulder and I look next to me where Jane is sitting with a smile on her face.

"You can do this Ashton." She says before putting in her headphones and closing her eyes.

C'mon Ashton , you can do this.


(a/n yes I know this is freaking short :D it's just school started for me again and I went to a new school and I need good grades! Updating will go slower :( so sorry for that but pleas try to understand :) Message me what you think of this story pleas :) or tweet me on twitter! @MikeysParade

Vote/Comment :D love you all :) also thank you for getting this to 3K :D x x x)

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