Chapter 4

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"Cara , CARA",my mothers voice wakes me up.

"whaat?" "you need to get up for school."My mother tels me.

"Oh yeah",i look at my phone and it's already 7:00. Damn it.

I need to go to the busstop at 7:30 so i'm going to be late as usual.

"Atleast have some breakfast darling ."My dad tels me and nods at the toast with nutella. "i'll grab one for to go cause else i'm going to be sooo late." I tell my parents.

I rush outside to see that my buss already left withoud me.


"Hey Cara"i hear a voice behind me.

When i turn around it's Ashton.

"Ohh Hey Ashton right." i ask him but i already know his name is Ashton.

"I gues we both missed the bus , shall i ask my dad to bring us to school?" Ashton asks me.

My head tells me Cara you can't get in the car with someone you just met but i do need a ride.

"Yeah thank you." I smile at Ashton.

"So uhm how old are you?" Ashton asks me.

"i'm 16 turning 17 in April what about you?"

"i'm 18 i already had my birthday this year so."

During the ride to school me and Ashton don't talk so much exept for a few awkward smiles at eachother.

We get out of the car and i thank Ashtons dad for the 6th time.

"So i'll walk you to wherever you need to be, do you know where you need to be?" Ashton asks me.

"Uhm yeah they said in the letter that i needed to go on my first day to Mrs. Valks." I inform Ashton hoping he knows where i need to go.

"Oh you are fucked my dear ." Ashton laughs.

"Why what is wrong with her?"

"The question is Cara what isn't wrong with her." Ashton laughs again.

"Well i hope she isn't that bad and i don't think she is."I laugh and Ashton stops walking.

"You want to bed Cara?" Ashton smiles.

"Okay , uhm if you win Ashton what do you get?" i ask him hoping not something to bad.

"We wil talk about that after you had te worst hour of your life and after i win, here you are enjoy your hour of hell." Ashton says in a serious tone but with a too big smile on his face.

"Well i'll see you later then Ashton."

"I wil see you at lunch i wil see you there."

"Bye Ashton."

"Bye Cara , good luck there."

"You good luck losing."

"HA-HA you just wait."

When i walk in the clasroom i see that there is only one seat left in the middle i take my seat and a girl with long blond hair greets me.

"Hi i'm Blaire." The girl tels me

"Hi i'm Cara, i love your name."

"Oh thanks everyone would say , no i hate it but to be honnest i love my name ." She laughs.

"So i saw you talking to Ashton in the halway , tell me how do you guys became friends because Ashton isn't the easiest to become friends with." Blaire askes me.

"Oh uhm i just moved here and he lives next door and i missed the buss and he drove me to school." I tell her.

"Oh wel i heard you talking about a bed or something?"

I laugh , "Haha yeah he says this teacher is hell but i didn't believe him so that actually." I tell her.

"Well my friend looks like you are going to lose."She laughs.

"Ohh really she can't be that bad?"

In that moment Mrs. Valks walks in.

A tall woman i gues about the age of 43 with long red curled hair.

"Hi class i'm Mrs Valks i'm going to be giving you Maths this year."She tels me and i let out a big breathe.

"Something wrong miss?" She looks at me with her big black eyes.

"Uhm no ,why would there be something wrong?" I ask her and i see Blaire next to me trying to control her laughter.

"Wel as you can see i'm not the easiest person here at this school , so miss.. Cara you better not put that tone in my class again."

She stands to walk away but turns around but not at me this time.

"Blaire could you do us a favor and go to detention after school i wil write you a note. "She tells my new friend.

When she turns around to walk away Blaire looks at me.

"Well thanks allot Cara." She looks at me with a huge smile on her face.

"Wel sorry i didn't me- i got cut of by Blaire . "I was just kidding i'm used to detention."

The hour goes bye and Blaire helpa me get to my new class .

"Wel thanks again for the note and i'll see you tommorow Blaire walks awa beforw i can tel something back."

"Wait Blaire do you wanne have lunch togheter i mean like you are one of my only friends here , "we both laugh.

"Is Ashton going to be there?"She asks me.

"Well yeah i think so why?" I ask her.

"I don't think that's a good idea i'll tell you later why okay but now i need to go text me later Byee." Blaire yels while she runs to her classroom.

The 3 hours after that go by fast and i'm going to the lunchroom where i see Ashton standing with 2 other boys.

"Wait a minute ." I hear Ashton say to them and he walk towards me.

"Soo did i won?" Is the first thing he says.

"Yeah you did." I tell him with a huge smile.

"Well because i won , you need to go on a date with me."Ashton tels me and i smile.

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