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I smile at the thought of him wearing that tomorrow. I quickly continue walking,hoping he didn't saw me. I walk inside my house and take my jacket of. I walk inside the kitchen and see my mum taking the chicken out of the oven.

"Smels good mum." I say and she laughs. "I hope it tastes as good as it smels, I almost let it burn." She says and I laugh. "Cara you shouldn't be laughing I wasn't the one who fel while getting on the airplane." She says and I gasp.

"That wasn't my fault tho, that thing that stood there wasn't suposed to be there." I say and she laughs. "That thing is called bagage." She says and I walk out of the kitchen. "Sure mum." I say while walking out.

"Yessicaaaa make the table." Mum yels to my sister and I laugh. I walk into the livingroom and open snapchat, 2 snaps from Samantha and 1 from Shani. I open the ones from Samantha both saying 'snapme' and then two flying hearts with it. I send one back saying 'snapping you' I open the one from Shani it's saying 'risking my life' with a picture of her sitting infront of her crush in maths. I remember that clasroom it smels weard in there.

'Poor you that smelly clasroom' I send back and I close snapchat. I go back in to the kitchen where now the table is made. I sit down and my phone vibrates. I got a text from my best friend , or wel so called best friend. I open the message and I smile.

*from BestfriendX*

-I miss you and i'm so sorry I shouldn't have done that I didn't kiss him , he kissed me. He knew Shani was there and that she was going to tel you. I was going to tel you as soon as I got home but then you sended me that textmessage I thought our friendship was over. I'm sorry are we stil friends?XXXX-

Are we? Are me and Veronica stil friends? I'm not sure, she can just lie withoud me knowing it but tho she never lied to me before.

*to BestfriendX*

-I miss you too and i'm sorry for doubting you, stil best friends forever!XXXX-

Everyone joins me on the table and we al start eating until my mom starts speaking. "So I was thinking that maybe we can do something togheter tomorrow?" I smack my head and they all look at me confused.

"I forgot to tell you but I have a date tomorrow." I say and their looks go from confused to happy. "Really with who?" My dad asks me. "Ashton." I say and take a bite from my chicken.

They continue to stare at me and I bring my face to my hands."Can we talk about something else plaese." I ask with my hands stil covering my face.

My mum nods and they start talking about something else. Dinner goes by quickly , we talk about random things ,that's the thing I like about my family. I don't have boring parents , my parents are weard.

I help my mum with the dishes and after that I go upstairs.. I change into my pyjama and take my homework because it's only 7 o'clock. I work for 2 hours until I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in." I sing. The door opens and Bryan walks in. "Hey Cara , do you want to watch a movie?" He asks and I nod. "I'm in the mood for comedy." he says and I smile going true the movies I have in my room.

I pick up mean girls wich Bryan agrees to. Me and Bryan are addicted to mean girls , even though he's a guy , we always watch girly movies togheter.

While watching the movie we yell along with our fave quotes. In the middle of the movie Bryan starts yawning. "Hey let's watch it out another time." I say and he nods.

He climbs out of my bed and gives me a hug before walking out of my room. I put my hair in a high ponytail and climb back in my bed and only a minute later i'm falling in a deep sleep.

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