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I wake up that night because I'm not feeling good. I get out of my bed and go downstairs. I walk into the kitchen and take a glass of water.  I think the light must have woken someone up because I hear a door opening and closing and after that footsteps on the stairs.

A while after that my mum walks in with a confused look on her face. "Hunny why are you up , it's 4 PM?" She asks me. "I'm not feeling so good." I answer and take another sip of my drink. "Oh well drink the rest of your water and go upstairs to get some sleep and we will see about school tomorrow." She says and I nod. I drink the rest of my water and head back upstairs.

I climb back into my bed and close my eyes hoping to get some sleep.

The next morning I wake up around 10 AM. I see a note laying on my table next to my bed. I grab te note. It says:

-Hey Hunny, you aren't going to school today you have a huge fever , I told Ashton when he was here to pick you up and I also called the school! Get better okay? and have some rest! I love you hunny. X mum-

I put the note away and take my phone. 3 unread messages.

1 from Ashton and 2 from Bryan.

I open the one from Ashton first wich says.

*From Boyfriend<3*

-Hey love I hope you get better soon! I will step by after school okay? Have some rest and get better! <3-

I quickly respond to his message and go to the two messages of my brother. I read the first one.

*From Brother;)*

-I'm about to ask her out :D wish me goodluck Sistah-

I smile and read the other message.

-She said yes *does silly dance in the classroom* She said yes *Starts twerking on the table*-

I send a message back and after that I step out of my bed and go downstairs.

I go into the kitchen and open the fridge. I take a carton of milk and close the fridge. I take the cereal and put some in the bowl and put the cereal back. I take the milk and pour some in the bowl.

After that I put the milk away and take the bowl and head towards the couch. I sit down and take a blanket.

I put the TV on and put on Awkward. I eat my cereal and watch the Tv until the doorbell rings. I check the time it's only 1 PM it can't be Ashton he's in school.

I walk to the door and at the moment i'm about to open the door the doorbell rings once again.

I open the door and there is Ashton. I give him a weard look and give him a hug. "why are you not at school?" I ask him and close the door.

"Needed to check up on my girl." He says and I smile. My girl.  I'm his girl.

"I need to leave in like 5 minutes." He says and pouts. "But I will come right after school." He says and sits down on the couch followed by me. He wraps his arms around my shoulders and pulls me closer.

"So Cara." Ashton starts. "You know we are leaving for the Take Me Home tour in about 2 months." He stops to look at me and continues. "And we will be gone for about 3 months." He finishes his sentence and looks at his feet.

"I'm going to miss you so much." I whisper and look up at him. Even when he's sitting he's taller than me. "He tightens his arms around me and I close my eyes.

After what feels like a second Ashton starts speaking. "I need to leave now." He says and I nod.

We both get up and walk to the door. He opens the door and gives me a quick kiss before walking outside. "I will come right after school." He says before getting in his car and driving off.

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