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Chapter 4: Where You Belong

Chapter Song: I'll Be There by Jess Glynne

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Chapter Song: I'll Be There by Jess Glynne

"When you come back home and all the lights are out and you're getting used to no one else being around, I'll be there."
    Cameras flashed everywhere, trying to get as many pictures as they could of the Argents. Pictures that they could use to put out some sick story about Kate's funeral and the things she had done.

The thing was that none of their stories would ever be correct, no one knew the truth of what horrible things she had done. They would never know that Kate burned down a house full of innocent people just because she suspected them to all be werewolves. Sure, they knew about the fire and the killing... but they didn't know the whole story, not even half of it. That's the thing that bothered Isabella the most about being bombarded with cameras and with people shoving their pencils and pads in her face, they thought they knew everything when they never truly would.

Victoria walked in front of the two teen girls who had their arms linked together. Allison has been gripping onto Isabella's arm tightly ever since they exited the car. When she had seen all the reporters gathered around the cemetery she began to freak out and her anxiety was eating away at her. Isabella being the good friend she was, quickly grabbed Allison and pulled her into her own body to comfort her. They hadn't let go of eachother and currently Isabella was harshly maneuvering through all the obnoxious people, pulling Allison along with her.

All around them people were screaming, asking them if they could have a brief conversation with them. They were all simply ignored but it was taking everything in Isabella to not snap at the reporters, she refrained only to not embarrass Allison. She was only there for her, she couldn't  give two shits about Kate.

As soon as Isabella and the Argents got through the barrage of people, the police barricaded them from getting any closer. Isabella looked over her shoulder as they walked and saw that one of the police officers happened to be Sheriff Stilinski. She gave him a slight smile, silently saying thank you. He returned it quickly with his own smile before Isabella turned her head back around and continued walking.

As they got further away from the reporters and closer to the memorial site, Isabella heard Chris Argent sigh and watched him shake his head in disbelief, " This was a bad idea."

Victoria gave him a stern look and said with an angry roll of her eyes," Well, it wasn't my idea."

" I tried telling him, but he insisted on making a point of it."  Chris said with annoyance.

Isabella gave Allison a look of confusion. Who was he talking about? She didn't remember Allison mentioning anything about a guy "insisting" to have Kate's funeral.

Allison shrugged her shoulders and gave Isabella a look that said she didn't have a clue either. Isabella knew he'd be there though, if he was the one who wanted it to happen, She would just have to wait and see who the mystery guest would be.

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