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       Chapter 23: Controlled

Chapter Song: Make You Feel My Love by Glee Cast

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Chapter Song: Make You Feel My Love by Glee Cast

"I'd go hungry, I'd go black and blue, I'd go crawling down the avenue. No, there's nothing I wouldn't do to make you feel my love."



Ten hours. Ten fucking hours! That's  how long I have been sitting in this uncomfortable hospital chair waiting for my mom to tell me my girlfriend was alright. Now, you see we didn't plan on taking her to the hospital when she blacked out in the library. I immediacy freaked out and scooped her in my arms while Stiles grabbed Erica. Erica insisted we take her to Derek and I figured that was our best bet for not only her but Izzy. He would know what was wrong with her.

When we arrived Derek immediately cussed us out when he saw his daughter lying limp in my arms. I told him she was still breathing and that her heartbeat hadn't slowed down from it's normal beating pattern.....yet.

He decided to help Erica first since all he had to do was trigger her shift but halfway through that both of our ears picked up on something we didn't want to hear, Izzy's heartbeat started to slow ever so slightly.

He soon after hurriedly finished up with Erica and instructed Stiles to take her to lay in his bed as he rushed to his daughter. He looked at her with worried eyes as he examined her face as she lied flat on the couch I had put her on.

Derek soon realized something that I hadn't and I hated myself for it. Not only had she been cut with the glass from the light but both her shoulders were popped severely out of place. I had no idea how she hid that and why she did but to say I was pissed was an understatement.

I knew it was Jackson and now wanted to kill him more than ever. We both knew she should have been healed by now if she had been suffering through that, it should have healed within 15 minutes.

Derek tried to do the same thing with Izzy that he did with Erica but instead of using the method of pain he used wolfsbane powder under her nose. She was supposed to smell it and since werewolves are susceptible to it she was supposed to freak out and wake up but it didn't work.....

That's what led us to where we I am now. Derek,Isaac, Stiles, Allison, and I were sat here waiting for her to come out of surgery since she wasn't healing. Erica and Boyd wanted to come as well but she was still recovering from the night and Derek wanted Boyd to stay with her. We hadn't called Lydia in fear that she wouldn't believe what ever story Derek told her, she was too smart.

I was so fucking worried for her and I wanted to know why in the hell she wasn't healing. I think I have cried more than I ever had in my life as I sat here for 10 hours.

Derek had to explain to the doctors and more importantly my mother who sees my girlfriend as a daughter , what the hell happened to her. I still had no idea what he told them but I was glad he did it because I wouldn't have been able to stay calm. I was just happy he had a good enough story for them to actually believe.

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