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                                                                         Chapter 12: Just us

                                                                          Chapter 12: Just us

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Chapter Song: Come Away With Me by Norah Jones

"Come away with me and we'll kiss on a mountaintop. Come away with me and I'll never stop loving you."

Isabella had just dropped Stiles off at his house ten minutes ago and she had finally reached the parking lot of the loft. She quickly grabbed her keys out of the ignition and then proceeded to grab her phone out of the center console before jumping out of the car and slamming the door excitedly. In any other circumstance, she would have been mad at herself for slamming the door so aggressively and possibly damaging her wonderful car, but she didn't care at that moment. She only had one thing on her mind; how to make the rest of the night perfect for her and Scott.

As she began to run towards the building, she silently hoped that Derek was not at the loft like he had been earlier that night when he texted her. She didn't need to deal with him at that moment and she wasn't quite ready to talk to him yet. She wasn't sure how long it would take until she would be.

As she raced up the stairs to the loft, not even caring that the elevator would have been faster, she crossed her fingers in hope that Derek would be nowhere in sight when she pulled open that huge door. She quickly made it up the final set of stairs and stood frozen in contemplation in front of the sliding door of "her" loft. She felt excitement flow through her at the thought of her night with Scott but she also felt dread rush up at the thought of Derek being there.

With a sigh, Isabella slowly walked over to the door and pressed her ear to it cautiously, listening for any heartbeats that could be in the area beside her own. When she heard none, she took a deep breath of relief and flung open the door with a smile on her face, all the dread had left her body and she walked in without a care in the world.

As soon as she entered the loft, she shut the door behind her and began to pull her phone out of her back pocket to order a pizza for Scott and herself. Before she could even open her phone to dial the number, a notification chimed loudly throughout the empty loft. She watched as her phone lit up and she saw a new text from Scott, a smile immediately came to her face.

I can't wait to be there. Do you think it would be okay if I stayed the night? I might take a little bit to get there because I don't want my mom to question why I'm leaving the house so late for the third time tonight on a school night. I'm waiting until she falls asleep.

Isabella shook her head and chuckled at the text. Scott didn't even have to ask her if he could stay the night, she would always say yes to him. She looked down at the text for a little longer before she smiled down at it and texted him back quickly.

Safe Haven// Scott McCall 2 {UNDER HEAVY EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now