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                  Chapter 35: Dead Rising

Chapter Song: Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes

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Chapter Song: Seven Nation Army by The White Stripes

"I'm gonna serve it to you, and that ain't what you want to hear but that's what I'll do. And the feeling coming from my bones says, "Find a home."

The cold metal of the bench in the locker made me squirm as I sat down on it. I didn't want to be in here and I most definitely did not want to be questioned by the cops, one of my friends died and another one could be dying, all because I wouldn't turn my dad in to someone who wanted to kill him. I wouldn't change that though, he was my dad.

It still hurt though that my choices were the ones to hurt my friends. I think it was the bond between Jackson and I severing but I honestly felt so empty, so hollow. I know that I shouldn't be thinking about this because it was wrong that I even thought of leaving me dad; the one who raised me. I can't believe I wanted to also leave all my friends but... would this have been better if we had just fled? I now would never know.

I folded my hands into my lap and threw my head back into the locker behind me. It didn't hurt, honestly I couldn't really feel anything right now. Scott and Isaac stood next to me and they both gave me looks of concern. I just rolled my eyes at them and waved them off, I could handle my emotions by myself.

Sheriff Stilinski approached us and I swear I couldn't breathe as I watched him somberly stop in front of us. His body reeked of hopelessness and stress, and I bet I smelled like it too.

He gave me a sad look which I returned with a half-hearted smile before turning his attention to the boys standing worryingly next to me.

He flipped through a little notepad he had in his hand and let out a small sigh, " We're going to talk to the medical examiners to see what happened with Jackson." We all knew what had happened, he died. He died by mutilation from his own claws because that bastard forced him to. Well, I guess he didn't know that but still, it didn't change the fact he was dead.

" We also got an APB out on Stiles. His Jeep is still in the parking lot so, that means.." He paused and it looked as if he was utterly confused and not sure about his own assumptions. I felt for him , I know I'm taking this hard but I can't imagine what he's feeling... it's his son. His only son.

He shook his head and threw his hand to the side gently as tears started to coat his eyes making them glossy, " Ah, hell. I don't know what that means, um... look if he answers his phone or his emails, if either one of you.. hell even you Isaac, see him..."

" We'll call you." I interrupted and gave him a small smile trying to reassure him that everything would be alright even when I didn't even believe it myself. Hopefully he'd have the hope for me, if he didn't have any than we had no chance at this.

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