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               Chapter 24: Attachment

               Chapter 24: Attachment

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Chapter Song: Cruel World by Faye

"Let me know if I have what it takes. Push me to the point my heart breaks and aches. Remind me what I'm doing this for."


When I got out of the shower Scott was nowhere to be seen and honestly I was hoping that he wouldn't be here when I got out. He most likely was off with my dad somewhere trying to reason with him or some shit but I could care less.

I quickly tied my hair up into a bun and zipped up the jacket tightly that was wrapped around me. I was thankful my father had brought me clothes cause I would hate to do what I was doing in a hospital gown.

My arm was still aching but I needed to get out of here. It wasn't a very small place but i was feeling that acute sense of claustrophobia in this hospital room, besides I had to talk to someone while I still felt like.... well me.

I walked to the door silently before slowly pulling it open, I listened for the voices of any of my loved ones and when I was sure that none of them were near I quickly slipped out of the room and made my way down the hall. I didn't need them knowing where I was going. If they knew they'd want to come with me and I didn't want that. I wanted to talk to him alone.

I tiptoed towards the elevator looking cautiously around me with each step. I couldn't get caught, I'd just get stuck back in that horrible room. Just as I stepped into the elevator is when I started to pick up on voices again, and just my luck, it was Scott, Isaac, and my father.

My face broke out into panic as I hurriedly started pushing the button for floor one," Come on, Come on!"

Just as I saw them come around the corner the doors closed and luckily none of them saw me, otherwise I'd be in deep shit. I knew I was going to be when they found out I wasn't there but hopefully I'd already be where I wanted to be by that time or at least on my way.

I sighed in relief and laid my head against the wall as I watched the numbers on the small black screen above the elevator doors change from 3 to 2 to 1.

As soon as the doors opened I rushed out and made a beeline for the doors. No one even gave me a second glance because half of these doctors hadn't seen me come in since it was so late at night and they had barely started their shifts. They didn't recognize me as a patient just an ordinary person which I wish I was at this moment in my life.

When I reached the hospital doors I turned around with a sigh and looked around one last time for any signs of my loved ones, when I saw no one I swiftly turned my head back around and strutted out the door despite the pain in my shoulder.

I needed to get there no matter what and talk to this man. I needed answers and i was hoping that just maybe he'd be able to help me, I mean we all knew by now that this man was so much more than a veterinarian.

Safe Haven// Scott McCall 2 {UNDER HEAVY EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now