Chapter 2 Heart Beat

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Blake's POV:

As I drove Rose home, I could not help, but look at her. She is stunning, shy, and spry and she is my mate.

I don't know how I got mated with a human, but I know I have to be good to her and make sure that my secrets stay buried deep underground for as long as possible, until she is ready. I cannot afford to let her see my dark side ever.

Vampires have two sides, one that is good and one that is bad. We get to choose which we want to have for everyday life and which one we want in battles and arguments.

Most people choose the good side because they want to use their dark sides for battles. Which I have chosen to do.

The GPS beeps and says, ''You have arrived at your destination.'' I park her car then take my seat belt off.

''Thanks for driving me home, but how are you going to go home?'' Asked Rose.

''I'll walk home my house isn't too far from here.''

"Are you sure?''

''Yes I am.''

''Okay, but don't you have a car still in the parking lot at school?''

''No, I got a lift to school today.''

''Alright.'' We both get out of the car, I wave goodbye.

After, Rose could not see me anymore, I take my phone out of my pocket and memorize the directions and then I run home using my fast speed.

I live in a mansion with my parents and my younger brother. Once I'm home I walk up the marble staircase towards my room.

My room is plain; it has a king-sized bed in the middle of the room and two massive wardrobes on the left of the bed, and a small white table on the right of the bed.

The walls are black and my bed is bright red. There is not much to see. I drop my bag on the floor and sleep.

Suddenly realising that I have to go to meetings afterward, as I am the heir of my father's kingdom I groan in annoyance.

Rosalyn's Pov:

After, Blake dropped me off; I walk to my room, put my stuff down and then I have a shower.

The wall on my room is crystal white, I have a single bed on the left of my room and next to it is a desk and I have one wardrobe full of clothes.

I have pictures of me and my family of when I was younger, all hanged up around my room. As I shower I feel the bliss of the water and I sigh in content.

After, I have a shower I put on some clothes. I wear my Minnie Mouse pyjamas and walk downstairs to have dinner.

I enter the kitchen and see my sister and brother eating chicken and rice, also typing on their phones. I decide to join them.

''Hey sis, how was college?'' both my older sister and brother ask at the same time. They both look at each other and laugh.

''It was good thanks for asking.'' They both nod their head in unison. My brother and sister are twins, but my sister is older than my brother by two minutes.

And, sometimes they end up saying things at the same time or end up doing the same things at the same time. It is somewhat creepy.

Both of them inherited the black hair and brown eyes from my dad. I call my sister Em, but her full name is Emma and my brother's name is Ethan, but I do not have a nickname for him. "Where's mum and dad?" I ask.

"They both went out so we're stuck with each other," said Emma.

"I'm not, I'm going out," said Ethan.
Suspicious of Ethan, Emma asked him, "Where are you going exactly?" Asked Emma.

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