Chapter 19 Broken Promises

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Blake's POV:

Running in the forest makes me feel so free, I wish I could do this all the time. "Josh speed up a little" I mind linked to Josh, since I gave him control to run free because umine's need to let their dark side out occasionally to prevent it from suffocating too much.

I am running as fast as I possibly can. And dude, I need to run, not you, so go away and let me run in peace, said Josh.

"You are such an idiot, but fine goodbye!"

About 30 minutes later Josh says, he had enough exercise so I take full control and block him from talking in my head.

As a prince who is next in line for the throne, I have so many threats every day; honestly, I am sick and tired of them. Just today, I had to deal with a group of hooligans who threatened to kill me. Gosh, they are such idiots.

If it were not for them, I could have watched my mate train and helped her. They took away such an important day. I hope father sends them to the dungeons they deserve to rot in hell.

I mind link Denis and Ryan to make sure they have rounded the rest of the kids who tried to kill me.

"Hey, Denis have you and Ryan taken care of the task I handed you two."

"Yes, we have, we are on our way to your place now," Said Denis.

"Wonderful send the rebels to my father and meet me in my room once you and Ryan have done that."

I shut the mind link and walked up the stairs towards my room.

I take a quick shower, put on some black boxers, and I take a seat on my swivel chair in front of my desk.

I finish some school work and then I begin to asses and review some data about current happening of vampire events around London.

So far, no one has done anything to break the vampire laws, which are, do not tell humans what we are; do not hunt in front of any humans, never use your powers in front of humans and never bite a human.

The pounding of knocks on my door shuts me out of my work phase. "Come in!"

"Blake my man did you hear how cool I was when I fought those ridiculous rebels? It was awesome man I looked so cool and terrifying to the kids that they coward in fear at my dominance," exclaimed Ryan.

"Shut the hell up Ryan I do not care!"

"What, but I was I cool and I captured all the rebels by myself, Denis did nothing, but just stand there!" Exclaimed Ryan.

"Hey, who said I was standing there for no reason it is not my fault since you said and I quote I can handle these jerks so stand away!" Exclaimed Denis.

"Both of you stop bickering before I lose my fu*king sanity."

"Good now forget about the rebels and focus on our current situation."

"We need to focus on who is the one behind everything that has happend to Rose from her father's accident to her getting kidnapped by the eagle masked guy."

"First, of I want you Denis to find exactly how and why Rose's father died. Ryan I want you to bring in the eagle-masked man to the dungeons for questioning."

"Once we have figured out this we will then look for the three kings to find out exactly who is behind all this. However, I need more information form that eagle masked man. Ryan I suggest you take a few days off school we find this man and Denis do the same, stay home and research until you have found out how Rose's father really died. I have a hunch that Rose's father did not die by a car accident, but someone set him up to die that way."

"That concludes everything do either of you have questions or is there any new information that you two have found out?"

"Nothing now, but we wanted to ask when are you ascending to the throne?" Asked Ryan.

"In about three months why?"

"Well since, you are going to be king who will protect Rose?" Asked Denis.

"You all will and with your life, she is after all your future queen."

"Does she know that she is going to be queen?" Asked Ryan.

"No, but I will tell her when the time is right, now quit talking about the throne and ask me relevant questions Ryan."

"Okay, we have no questions other than that so...

"Then the both of you may leave."

Both of them get up and leave and I get back to my work.

Once I finish my work, my mother mind links me and commands me to meet her in the living room. I follow her commands.

"Mum why do you suddenly want to see me is everything okay."

"My son can I not see you, do I have to have a reason to see my son hmm?" Asked Mother.

"No, no you do not have to have a reason, but I am quite busy so we do not have long to talk."

"Oh, come on Blake you are always working honestly I need to make your father pay for making my poor son work so much."

"Ha, ha, I am fine mum seriously, I do not mind."

"Josh scoffs sure you do not Blake."

"Shut up josh" and with that, I block him.

"Hey, mum why did you want to see me," asked spike."

"Spike mum called you here too."

"Yeah, I didn't know she called you as well."

Both spike and I look at mum in suspicion. What is she up to she never talks to us she is so busy with the kingdom that spike and I are used to not interacting with her.

It is starting to dawn on me that she might have something serious to talk about; I pay attention closely to her every detail.

"Okay, mum spill what is going?"

"Alright then I wanted to ask you when are we having your coronation ceremony and why have we not gotten everything prepared yet I want to retire Blake it is so tiring and look at mummy I think I am aging."

"Mum we do not age," stated Spike.

Mum pouts in response.

"Yeah and the coronation ceremony is in three months does no one know that? I thought father told you all about it."

"Oh, it is how wonderful."

"So you did not know."

"No dear, I have been trying to ask your father, but he would not tell me."

"What about you spike did you know?"

"No I had no idea, but I am happy for you bro your finally going to be king!"

"This is weird why did my father hide this, I will have to ask him later tonight."

"If there is nothing else, I am going back up-"

All of the sudden my head is in woe and my body is trembling in dread.

"Mate, mate screamed josh our mate is in trouble Blake go, go."

"Ahhhhhh!" I scream in agony.

"Help Spike get my car and drive my mate is in trouble, I feel like I am dying realisation hits me like a storm, that is not my pain it's Rose's."

Spike shocked goes still and mother gasps.


Spike speeds out of the living room and I do the same. I head towards the front doors.

Spike hauls the Ferrari in front of me and I speed towards the car.

Spike speeds towards Rose's house and I sit still.

I breathe heavily and once I have, regained normal oxygen levels. What did you do Rose? Why do I feel so much pain that you are feeling?

Umine (completed, but is under editing)Where stories live. Discover now