Chapter 27 King Adrien

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Blake's POV:

Driving at night takes time and the last thing I need is everyone talking at the same time, to make me lose my concentration.

"Ryan and Denis if the both of you do not stop bickering I will have your head!"

After my screaming at them for another minute, they quieten down. Moreover, I finally drive in peace.

As we approach Manchester, the sun slowly rises, welcoming us at our new destination.

I park my car in front of the king of Manchester's mansion.

My team parks next to my car.

We all speed out of the car and we face the mansion in a row forming a barrier against whatever test it throws at us.

The mansion is protected by a spell and the only way to enter is through passing the tests that it gives us each.

I close my eyes and I can no longer feel the ground as I am transported into a place that may be foreign or a place that I might recognise.

As I feel the ground, I open my eyes.

I am at a beach that I recognise and in front of me is a little girl with blonde hair and big blue eyes, wearing a blue frock dress, playing in the sand.

I suddenly realise that I know this girl.

I killed her when I was in dark mode, but why am I here?

Realising where I am I curse, "that bastard of a king sent me back to my past self."

"But, what is the test?"

"The girl, turns around and smiles at me, I try to smile back, but then I realise I am not in control, my dark side is flashing my fangs out in the open. Sh*t I am in dark mode. I am going to kill the poor girl again and it is that entire fucking king's fault.

Instead of giving the little girl a smile, I smirk at her.

I approach her and grab her by the neck, she screams in response. Her little legs dangle up in the air like a poor rag doll on a string.

I cough out a sob. I cannot let her die in my hands twice.

I resist the urge to snap the little girl's neck and then its then that I shift into my body and regain full control.

Automatically I loosen my hands in her neck and softly place her back in the sand.

"I am so sorry child I will never hurt you ever. Run back to your mummy and daddy before I lose control."

She nods her head and runs away.

As I watch her run away the scene changes and I am now holding a gun to an unknown boy's head. I gasp and in my shock state, I drop the gun.

"Holy shit I almost killed you!"

Why does this orange head kid look familiar? Then like a lightning bolt, I remember that I did this in the past when I was in dark mode. That must mean I am in dark mode again. Stupid king is going through my memories.

Josh who is now on dark mode leans down to pick up the gun, but I pull the urge to kill away and speed away from the innocent child who lost his live in the past because of me.

Then the scene changes once again and I had just enough if this stupid king goes through my memories one more times I am going to kill him.

Looks like the king listened to my threat because I am then transported back to the line of people I was standing with.

Umine (completed, but is under editing)Where stories live. Discover now