Chapter 4 On Top Of The World

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Rosalyn's POV:

The sound of my phone ringing woke me up on the early Sunday morning. Groaning in fatigue, I answer the call. "Hello?" I mutter in a sleepy voice.

"Good morning Rose!" Blake's voice greeted, and a pleasant shiver travelled down my spine at the sound of his voice, "get ready because we are going hiking today".

"No way, it's Sunday which means I get to sleep in" I protested, not ready to leave my bed, yet my body said otherwise as a string of butterflies entered my stomach at the prospect of spending the whole day together.

However, there was a little doubt in the back of my mind that he was going to hurt me just like her.

"I don't want you to waste this day at home, so you are coming whether you like it or not.

Get up and get dressed, I'm coming to pick you up in thirty minutes!" And, before I could utter another word, he cuts the line.

The corner of my mouth tilted upwards at his goofiness before I drag myself out of bed. I quickly jump in the shower and then get dressed for the day, subconsciously wanting to look my best for him.

As I am eating my cereal, I get a text from Blake Don't worry about food, I have it sorted. Before I could reply, Emma interrupts "Where are you off to?"

"Blake is forcing me to go hiking with him today," I said, taking another spoonful of cereal.

Emma laughs in response "At least he's encouraging you to get out of the house.

If it were up to you, you would never leave that bed of yours! Plus, why wouldn't you want to spend the whole day with someone as handsome as him?"

A tinge of jealousy passed through my body when she called Blake handsome. Before I could reply to her, the doorbell rang. I make my way to the front door and as I was expecting I see a smiling Blake.

"Hey, you ready to go?" I nodded and grabbed my bag from the kitchen counter and we both headed out the door.

Blake walks over to a matte-black Ferrari and my jaw drops in awe. "Where did you get that from?" I questioned as my eyes roamed the expensive car.

Blake shrugs "My parents bought it for my 18th birthday" and that was the end of the conversation. We both entered the car and took off.

My position in the passenger seat gave me a perfect view of his sculpted face. His grey eyes glistened, and his sharp jaw made my mouth water a little... no nothing can happen between us.

Before he could catch me checking him out, I turn my head and look out the window at the scenery outside the window. Before I knew it, my eyes started to close, and I begin to fall asleep.

Blake's voice woke me up from my slumber "Rose, we're here". We get out of the car and start walking towards the woods.

The wind sent a prickle down my arms as goose bumps appear. The old leaves, as if saying their farewells, fall to the ground, leaving their vibrant green counterparts behind.

Before I knew it, we have been walking for hours. "Blake, are we almost there?" I asked exhausted from all the walking.

"Almost at the top Rose. Not long to go at all," he replied while he walked in front of me. Blake walks so fast that I must run at times to catch up to him. As soon as I have caught up to Blake.

He stops, as do I. I take in my surroundings. We made it to the top of the hill, and I can see the glowing city below and it was beautiful. I take it all in and look at the scenery in awe.

There is a comfortable silence between us both as we look at the amazing view. I then look at Blake and he does the same, we both smile at each other.

He sets up our picnic and hands me a delicious sandwich. I praise him, "This is delicious! Did you make it?"

"Of course. I prepared it especially for you," he says as his mesmerising eyes bore into mine.

I almost want this moment to never end... I cannot get close to anyone else and get my heart broken again. My thoughts bring me out of my daze and as the sun started to set, we headed back down to the car and start to head off.

"Stop!" I shout, "There's an animal on the road" as I see a deer run across the road. I hear a growl from Blake, and I snap my head up to look at him. His face-hardened and he looked angry.

"Blake, it's alright, you didn't hurt it". The sound of my calm voice brings him out of his heightened emotions as he starts the car again, grabbing my hand in his, but all I could think about was the animalistic noise that came from Blake as we made the journey home.


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