Chapter 21 secrets after secrets

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Rosalyn's POV:

"I do not understand something. Are you dad's mate?" I asked Mum.

"No, I am not, unfortunately, but your father never had a mate, since not all vampires have mates, only some."

"When did you find out about vampires?"

"When I was 18, your father and I had an automatic bond; it is what lead to us marrying each other a year later"

"When I saw your father, it was love at first sight. During the 1900's, things were very different.

"Your father and I had to go through many hardships, as umines did not accept the fact a human and an umine fell in love. We were on the run for so long, the other cities got involved."

"However, Blake's Grandad accepted our relationship and helped us with our problems."

"When he died, Blake's uncle ascended to the throne and banished us from London, so we went abroad where we had Emma and Ethan. Two years later, we came back to London, as there was a new king, which was Blake's father also had you. Blake's father accepted us and six years later, your dad died in a car accident."

"Anyways that is enough for one day, how about we all have dinner. Blake, you are welcome to have dinner with us if you have nothing to do."

"I would love to have dinner with you, but I have to go home, I left my mother in a rush and my brother is outside waiting for me."

"Oh, well then, it was wonderful to see you again. Make sure to visit often."

"I will surely do that." He turns towards to me and kisses the top of my head and I turn as red as a tomato.

"See you tomorrow Rose and please do not hurt yourself again."

"I will not see you tomorrow."

I wave goodbye to Blake and turn my head towards Mum.

"Rose, what did Blake mean by do not hurt yourself again?"

"Oh, well I should not have tried the shield on my own, it caused me to almost faint."

"The what?"

"The shield protects my thoughts so that umines cannot read my thoughts."

"Oh, goodness Rose, if you were warned then you should not have done it."

"I know mum and I will not do it again."

"Are we going to tell Ethan and Emma about this?"

"Tell us about what?" Said Ethan and Emma at the same time as they entered the dining room.

"Nothing, we were just going to tell you that Rose and Blake are dating, isn't that wonderful? Mum squeals like a teenager."

*Well, that answers my question, and wait a minute; did she just say that Blake and I are dating? What, we have only kissed once and he has not even asked me out for goodness sake.*

"Mum, why are you telling them that?"

"Seriously Rose, how could you not tell us, we're your siblings and you know I support you and Blake more than Ethan. Emma fake sobs. "My heart is broken Rose."

"And, my heart is furious, how could you date that creep, seriously, I can tell that something is up and mum, you should start practising your lying skills. So fess up, what are you two hiding?"

"We were not lying and young man, do not tell me what to do," mum narrowed her eyes at Ethan.

"I did not I just suggested it and anyways, please tell us what is going on. Emma may believe you because she wants her ship to sail and she is gullible. Nevertheless, I am not gullible like her." Exclaimed Ethan.

I sigh mum "we cannot hide it forever and plus I am going to be unlocking dark side soon, therefore I think they need to know as you have hidden this secret for too long."

"All right dear I will tell them then, but if they do not believe me then do not come running back to me."

"Ethan and Emma do not think I am crazy because what I am about to tell you is going to change your life and your perspective."

"Your father was a vampire and Rose is a half vampire. That is about it."

Ethan and Emma just looks at mum with a baffled face.

I click my fingers in front their faces to snap them out of whatever trance they are in.

They blink fast and laugh hysterically.

Both mum and I stare at the two in shock.

"Why are you two laughing, it is not that funny you know."

"Oh, gosh mum you are hilarious," said Emma.

"You know what, let's forget this ever happened, and eat dinner, I can smell potpie." Said Ethan.

"Wait, so do you believe mum or not?"

"Oh, come on Rose do you really believe that you are a half vampire and that dad was a vampire," asked Emma.

"Err, yes I do cos, I am one!"

"Rose, that is enough, we know that you love vampire books, but this is ridiculous," exclaimed Ethan.

"The three of you enough talking just go eat we will talk about this tomorrow."

"But, what is there to talk about, vampires do not exist seriously mum. Did you hit your head?" Asked Ethan.

"No, I did not Ethan, I do not care if you believe me or not, you can ask Blake yourself and he will show you that vampires exist."

"Are you kidding me, now you're bringing Blake into this mess," said Emma in anger.

"All of you shut up and just eat like mum said; we will talk tomorrow about this, so keep your mouths shut until tomorrow!"

Everyone takes his or her seat and mum gives us each a plate of pie. Once I finish my meal, I do my night routine, then I change into my pyjamas and before I go to sleep, I text Blake.

"Hey, Blake, you said that you are coming to my house tomorrow is that right."

A few minutes later I get a text form Blake.

"Yes, Rose, I am coming to your house to help you unlock dark side."

"Oh, but I thought I was practising shielding."

"You are, but you need dark side for strength without dark side it will be too difficult for your body to cope with the powerful energy's that come with building the shield."

"Oh, okay. I want to ask you if it is possible for humans to know about vampires."

"No, it is against the law. Did you tell your siblings?"

"Yes, I did, but how did you know?"

"Just a hunch and if you are worried its fine that you told them after all, you are a half vampire and since they are your family. You will not get in trouble."

"That is great so could you demonstrate your powers or show your fangs to them tomorrow."

"Sure, but they might get scared so....

"Do not worry, they will be fine."

"Okay, then, is there anything else you need."


"Okay, then goodnight Rose sleep well."


Umine (completed, but is under editing)Where stories live. Discover now