Chapter 18 Shield

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Rosalyn's POV:

"You are telling me that when Sophie trains me, I might use more energy that I need to. Moreover, you are going to be here to make sure that I only use a certain amount of my energy so that I do not pass out from lack of energy."

"Yep that is exactly what I said, do you not understand?"

"No, I understand I just do not understand why it has to be you, no offence, but you are not the kindest person that I have ever met."

"Ha, Ha! I know I hate you more than you know, but Blake is a prince and I have to listen to his commands or else I could get into quite a bit of trouble, which I do not need in my life."

"But, why you?" I asked confused.

"I do not know and I do not care I am here to do my job not answer your ridiculous questions."

"Geez I guess your attitude still has not changed."

The doorbell stops Becky from replying. "Rose, Sophie is here, she is coming upstairs," Shouted Ethan.

As Sophie enters Becky curtsy. Confused as to why she did that I look at Sophie in question. She rolls her eyes and waves it off.

"Rise Becky I am not here on official business and you know that so there is no need to be all curtsy."

"Of course, you are not, but I respect all the royals and I shall be kind and respectful at all times."

"You are a royal?"

"Yes and that is another story and sorry about the whole time changes and all that, but Blake wanted you to be safe during training and so his sent Becky here, as the boys are not here they are out on royal duties."

"Anyways shall we..."

"I smell pancakes," said Sophie.

"Oh, sorry Sophie I just finished the last batch of pancakes. I am sorry I will make you some if you want."

"No, no leave it lets just begin the training session."

"Okay, what should I do first?"

"First off, sit down on your bed and Becky go sit next to Rose and watch her energy closely."

Both Becky and I obey and take our seats. Once Sophie sat down, we began training.

"All right Rose I want you to close your eyes and clear any thoughts that may be lingering in your head."

I obey and take out all the thoughts and questions in my head.

"Once you have done that start to imagine a wall forming around your head. Moreover, try to keep that wall up for as long as possible."

I conjure up a wall building itself around my head, as the bricks form and builds a wall. I use all my energy into building that wall, but it feels like real bricks are forming a wall. Suddenly my head feels heavy. Sweat stream down my forehead.

Becky screams "Stop Rose you are using too much energy you will faint." I can't seem to listen to her warning as my mind keeps conjuring bricks to build the wall it's as if my head has a mind of its own.

Suddenly I feel all the bricks crash and disappear and my eyes fly open. I catch my breath.

"Whoa, what happened to me?"

"You didn't listen to me and you used too much energy for goodness sake, I had to use my energy to pull you out of that wretched head of yours," fumed Becky.

"Concerned Sophie asked if I was okay and I replied with a curt nod."

"Where did you get up to?"

"I was building the wall brick by brick, but all of the sudden the bricks became really heavy, hard to maintain building the wall at a slow or even a fast pace."

"Since it is your first time, that is a normal reaction, but Rose why did you not pull yourself out of your head when Becky said to?"

"I do not know it was as if I wanted to carry on even if I was hurting."

"Hmm well, you need to be more careful next time."

"Let us have a break and we can start again okay."

"Okay, what time is it?"

"It is twelve thirty," said Becky.

"What it felt like I was here for only a few minutes, where did the time go?"

"It takes a very long time to build the shield and also to hold it up it takes longer it may feel like it was a few minutes, but it takes hours," Explained Sophie.

*sigh* "alright then I guess the rest of the training will take all day lets order some burgers and chips and once we've eaten then we can start again."

"I will go order what would the both of you like to eat?"

"I do not want anything," said Becky."

"I will have a burger, some chips and a Pepsi drink."

"Okay I will order for the both of us only, are you sure you do not want anything Becky?"

"I am sure."

"All right, I will see the both of you in a moment."

Once the food arrived, we sat in the dining room enjoying our food when I had a sudden thought.

"Sophie what powers do you, Denis, Ryan and Blake have?"

"Oh, well I have the power to sense if someone is lying and Blake has the power to read minds and also Denis is like a human computer and predicts other people's moves accurately and Ryan has invisibility."

"Moreover, I have the power to revive the dead," said Becky.

"What! You can do that."

She rolls her eyes "no, but I can speak to the dead and I can sense if your weak and it's probably why Blake wanted me here to make sure you are strong and do not faint."

"But, why do you all have powers?"

"We have no idea," said Sophie.

"Anyways are you done? Asked Sophie.

"Yes let me clean up, you two go on ahead to my room I will be up in a bit."

"All right make sure that you do not take too long," said Sophie.

"I will not."

Once I finished washing up the dishes we carried on with training and I barely made the wall when I felt too weak I was pulled out of my head."

"Ugh, I am not making any progress whatsoever."

"It is fine Rose practice makes perfect. We will come back next Saturday to help you."

"You have to go so soon."

"It's late Rose we have to get going I will see you back in school on Monday for now do not practice without my or Becky's presence understand!" Said Sophie.

"All right, I understand I will not try anything I promise."

"Good I hope that you keep your promise Rose," warned Sophie.

"I will do not worry I never break any promises. Little did I know that I made the biggest mistake of making such a promise?"

 Little did I know that I made the biggest mistake of making such a promise?"

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