Chapter 26 Crying for time

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Blake's POV:

As soon as Rose and I have finished our meal, I take her home. As I arrive at her house, I quickly park.

I look towards Rose as she speaks.

"Thank you Blake for today, I had a lot of fun."

"You are welcome."

"Okay, I am going to go inside now, I will-

"Wait, I want to ask you something."


I pull out a bouquet of white and red Rose's from the backseat. Secretly thanking Ryan who bought them as I asked when Rose and I were in the fun fair.

She gasps.

"I wanted to do this, when I got out of the car to walk you to your house, but since you are about to leave..."

"Will you, Rose Maroon, be my girlfriend?"

She grins and nods her head, continuously while saying, "Yes, yes."

I chuckle at her childish excitement.

"Well then, you may take your flowers."

"Thank you, they are beautiful."

"Your very welcome, love. Before you go, just one more thing," I lean forward and place a goodnight kiss on the top of Rose's forehead. Then I lean towards her ear and I whisper three words that has her heart racing in a marathon.

"Goodnight mi amour."


It has been a few days since my date with Rose, today is now Thursday. The day that will stay with me forever.

As I walk towards my locker, someone speaks in my head recognising, as the voice is Ryan's; I let him access my head to talk to me.

"Hey, Ryan is everything all right."

"No, Denis and I are in the school parking lot, we have found out some important information that you need to hear. Therefore, could you make your way there? We are standing in front of your car."

"Okay, I am on my way."

I speed towards my car in the parking lot.

As I approach Denis and Ryan, I stop speeding.

"I am here, whats up?" Denis speaks first.

"I just found out, that your hunch was right, Rose's father did not die by an accident, but someone planned his death and made it look like Rose's father died from a car accident, but actually someone or a king had someone purposely crash into Rose's fathers car while he was driving."

"Do you know why someone killed him?" I asked

"Yes, I think it is because of the fact that he married a human, is why a king wanted him dead."

Ryan then speaks. "I brought the eagle-masked man, turns out, he is as much of a bastard as I made him out to be, he never answered my questions until I beat him up like crazy. He said that the person behind all this is more powerful than anyone combined.

Turns out, one of the three kings that we are planning to visit is behind Rose's father death and her best friend's death and Rose's kidnapping.

The man said he was told to kidnap Rose as a way to punish you for killing his daughter, but one of the kings wanted us to know that he knew who your mate is and that means he may be after your mate."

"All right, I have a plan; we are going to have to get a group of people to go with us to visit these kings. However, we need to remember that these kings will not make it easy for us to enter their land. Kings will give us all a test and if we do not pass them then we cannot enter their land.

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