Chapter 24 Dark meets Dark

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Rosalyn's POV:

"Is that everything you wanted to know?" Asked Blake.

"Yes, that is it."

"Great then do you have any other plans today?"

"I have some homework to do, but I am going to do it in the evening so no, I do not have any plans."

"Then would you like to go on our first date?"

"Da... date."

"Yeah, but if you don't want to-"

"No I want to go on a date with you, but I am going to need time to get ready."

"Why do you need to get ready, you look beautiful the way you are."

I blush, "Thanks Blake, but where are you taking me?"

"That is a surprise."

"No but, will my outfit do since I do not know where I am going."

"Yep, you look perfect, so there is no need to change.

"Come, let's go," Blake holds my hand and stands with me. Looking at the flowers that have blossomed, I walk beside Blake. The garden consist of bushes of flowers and berries. A water fountain is in the centre of the garden. The table and chairs is next to the bushes in the end of the garden.

As we walk towards the front door, I suddenly remember that I have not told Emma and Ethan that we are going out.

"Blake, I need to quickly tell my sister and brother something really quick."

"Oh, okay, I will meet you in the car."

I walk upstairs and towards Emma's room.

"Emma I am going on a date with Blake, so I might be a while."

"Oh my god, he asked you out, see, I told you that he would do it soon. Go and have a good time, I will tell Ethan about it later.

"Okay, thanks sis."

I walk back downstairs towards Blake's car.

"Okay, so will you give me any clues to where we are going to go?" I ask as I put my seatbelt on.


"Oh, come on, please."

"No and no."



"How about, just a little clue, like how long is the drive?"

"Fine, the drive is about half an hour."

"Okay." Happy that I got something out of Blake, I keep my mouth shut through the rest of the drive.

"Finally, we are here, gosh, that took forever!"

Blake chuckles "It didn't take that long, come on, let's go inside."

"Oh my god, it's a funfair, this is great!"

"Let us go on the rides first." I pull Blake's hands towards the rides.

"Hold up Rose, I need to get the tickets first."

"Oh, sorry."

Once we have bought the tickets we head towards the rides.

"Do you want to go on the Boomerang first?" Asked Blake.

"Yes, definitely."

The boomerang is a ride that goes right and left then swings and comes back down to ground level.

"Okay, that was exhilarating, what next?" I asked Blake.

"How about we go on all the rides that you want, and then we can play some games and try to win some soft toys."

"That sounds wonderful!"

We went on most of the rides and afterwards we go towards an ice cream van to get some nice ice cream to cool down from the heat. Its only May and it already feels like summer.

"What type of ice cream would you like Rose?"

"Vanilla please."

"Okay. Here is your ice cream."

I grab the cone. "Thank you."

"Your welcome. Did you like the rides?"

"Yes I did, they were amazing!"

All of the sudden I hear a voice in my head. Hey Rose, are you dumb or just plain stupid? Why in the world did you go on those stupid rides? They were terrible and the rides made me feel nauseas. Lily said to me.

Oh sorry, I did not know and how did you unlock the door, I swear I closed it. I answered.

I opened it since you are not that strong yet, I can open it if I try, but it takes a lot of time to do so.

"Rose are you talking to Lily?"

"Oh, sorry Blake, Lily did not like the rides and was telling me how it made her feel sick."

"Oh, does she want Josh to help her heal the nausea away."

Lily, do you want to meet Josh so that he can help you with your nauseous state? I asked Lily.

Yes! Let me out. She whined.

All right, err, I do not know how, so err... could you do it?

Sure, just follow my voice; imagine yourself transferring into the white room, where you last talked to me. She ordered.

Okay I did that.

Great hold that thought.

I can suddenly feel myself moving and walking when I blink a few times, I am no longer in my body, but in the white room.

Suddenly a screen appears and I can see Blake and hear Lily talking.

Lily's POV:

Once I am in control, I blink and look towards Blake.

"Hey Blake, it is me, Lily."

"Oh, hey, I guess you want to meet Josh."

"Yes, please."

"Okay, I will let him out."

Blake blinks fast, indicating that Josh is out.

I waste no time and I hug Josh so my stomach could shut the hell up.

"Whoa, you must be hurting a lot, are you all right now?" said Josh as he hugged me back.

"Yes, I am okay, thank you for that."

"Your welcome."

"Well, I should get back to Rose."

"Wait, I can feel your pain, of not just your stomach, but also your heart. What are you hiding Lily?"

"Nothing, what would I need to hide?"

"How about that jealousy, that is raging like a flame."

"Jealousy, oh please, I do not get jealous."

"Lily, tell me whats up, you know you can tell me, we are mates after all."

"Ugh, fine, it's just, do both you and Blake love Rose and not me since you did not even know I existed?"

"That is why you are upset?"

"Well, yeah"

Josh pulls me in for a hug.

"Lily, Blake and I love both you and Rose because your part of Rose and we love you because you are the same person, just with different capabilities, so do not ever think that we do not love you."

Umine (completed, but is under editing)Where stories live. Discover now