Chapter 22 Proof of the Truth

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Rosalyn's POV:

Today is Sunday the day Blake arrives. It is currently 10am and I am eating waffles for breakfast.

Ethan walks in and stares at me in shock.

"What!" I snap.

"You are awake?"

"Yeah I am."

"At 10am in the morning!"

I roll my eyes, "And?"

"You never wake up early. There must be something or someone you are waiting for and you barely get up early in the weekends. Therefore, whose coming or what package are you getting?"

"Blake is coming and is going to make you and Emma wish you believed Mum. Trust me, mum is going to give you hell once the both of you get the fact that vampires do exist."

Ethan scoffs, "Sure Rose, sure."

"Speaking of Blake, are the both of you really dating."

"I do not know, he hasn't asked me out," I said in sadness.

"Therefore, you are not dating."

"I guess."

"That is great! You have just made my morning even better than it was."

"Ugh, shut up Ethan I can hear you all the way from upstairs!" Shouted Emma.

"Sorry sis, but I just found that Rose and Blake are not dating. Looks like your ship drowned. Ha, ha!"

"WHAT! Rose, what happened?" Asked Emma.

I say the exact same thing to Emma as I said to Ethan.

"Oh, so he just did not ask you out, but he's interested in you, well there is nothing to worry about then. He may be to busy with school, so I am sure he will ask you out soon. Moreover, when he does, make sure to tell me okay.



A text appears on my phone.

"Hey Rose, I am going to come to your house in about an hour, make sure to get ready."

"Emma and Ethan, Blake is coming in an hour! Is mum awake yet?"

"Yes, she is in the bathroom having a shower."

"Awesome, Emma please tell mum that Blake is coming, for me."

"I am going to go get ready, see you guys in a bit."

"Sure," replied Emma.

I put on navy blue top and black jeans. I tie my hair in a high ponytail, and then I put on some light make up.

"Rose, Blake is here!" Mum announced.

I speed walk downstairs. Seeing that Blake is not at the door nor mum I shout. "Mum, where is Blake?"

"He's in the living room with your siblings."

"Okay, thank you!"

I walk towards the living. Ethan and Emma are sat on opposite sofas.

"Hey all, whats up!"

"Rose, you are here and awake might I add,"said Blake.

I plop next to Blake.

"Yep, I am wide-awake and I am ready to see the faces of my siblings when they find out that vampires exist."

"Therefore, I am guessing I should show them my powers or my teeth."

"Oooh, can you show them your fangs instead of your powers since I have never seen them."


"Wait, I want to see," said mum.

"All right, everyone is here, are you ready Ethan and Emma?"

"Yes, now get it over with."

"Go Blake."

Blake hissed his fangs out and we all gasp except mum.

"Whoa, that is so cool."

"Are they sharp?"

"Sharp as a knife babe."

I look towards Ethan and Emma and they have their mouths opened wide.

I laugh hysterically at their reaction.

"You... you..." both of them said.

"There is no way that is real!" Exclaimed Ethan

"Oh, they are."

"But, how?" Choked out Emma.

"Well that is a long story, one that I am not bothered to explain so Blake." I smile and blink my eyes quickly "Could you do the honour of explaining."

"Well I am going to go and both of your expressions were priceless, so that is enough to make me happy."

"Blake if you need anything to eat just ask Rose, I am going to work now. Goodbye kids and behave!"

"Bye mum, we love you." I said.

Ethan and Emma are too shocked to say anything that they keep their mouths shut.

"Are you two ready for the explanation of how we came to be and how we real?" Asked Blake

"Could you put the fangs away, they are creeping me out," asked Emma

"Sure." *Fangs goes back to normal.*

"Okay, now can I begin?"

"Yes, you can," said Emma.

"Great!" Said Blake.

Once Blake has told Ethan and Emma everything about vampires, they turn towards me. "You are a half vampire, this is the weirdest sh*t I know," said Ethan."

"I can't believe mum never told us about it," said Emma.

"To be honest, we would not have believed her in the first place."

"Okay, that is true, but seriously I cannot believe it," said Emma.

"Okay, now that is out of the way, may Rose and I go to the garden to unlock her dark side."

"Wait, why does she need to unlock her dark side, does she not already have one?" Asked Ethan.

"She does, but since Rose never knew that she was a half vampire, she never unlocked her dark side, it's stuck in her conscious between an invisible lock."

"Well then, good luck to you sis. Oh, and there is something I do not understand, why do you like my sister?"

"Oh, well I have feelings for your sister, but she is my mate whom I protect as I've explained to you already what mates are."

"Eeek! You two are mates and you two like each other, oh my god, this is so cool," squealed Emma like an overexcited kid.

"I do not approve of this what so ever. There is no way I am letting you date my sister, you can protect her with the whole mate bond thing, but not date her!"

"Well may I speak to you in private to ease your mind, I am guessing that you do not trust me nor do you want your little sister to date a king to be."

"You can speak to me, but I doubt you will change my views, come to the garden."


"Both Blake and Ethan walk out the door and towards the garden."

I know Ethan and he is one stubborn person so I doubt Blake can change his mind. Nevertheless, I wish Blake all the luck in the world.

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