Chapter 17 Misunderstanding's

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Rosalyn's POV:

The week went by very quickly and I was ecstatic for the weekend. Sophie is coming to my house today and teaching me how to shield my thoughts from any umine who might try to get inside my head, especially Blake.

I change from my pyjamas to a black stripe high neck long sleeve T-shirt and to a green velvet skirt along with tights. Once I am changed, I walk downstairs and I make pancakes for everyone.

"Hey little sis, are you making pancakes?" Asked Ethan.

"Yes I am."

"Awesome, pass some over to me please."

As I give pancakes to Ethan, Emma walks in.

"I smell pancakes, please tell me I am not dreaming."

"You are not, I made pancakes, here, have some."

"Rose, this is great, but how come you are making us breakfast, you never do that unless you are in a good mood, and where's mum?

"Oh Emma, you know me too well, but it's true, I am in a good mood and mum's gone to work early. Do you not remember her telling us tomorrow that she is going to go work early today?

"Oh, I forgot."

"Tell us why you are in a good mood little sis, we barely see you so happy these days, so whats up?"

I smile, "Nothing is up bro, my friend is coming over and I am just happy to be able to hang out with her, that is all."

Ethan and Emma narrows their eyes towards me. "What? Why are the both of you looking at me like that?"

"Stop messing about Rose and tell us why you're really happy!" Commanded Emma.

*sigh* (dammit, my siblings know me too well, if I don't tell them something interesting to keep them from questioning me then I am never going to get out of here until they get answers.)

"Okay, I am happy because....

"Because Blake kissed me!" I blurt out.

My eyes goes wide along with Emma. Ethan spits out his water in horror.

I cover my mouth and internally curse myself. (Why did I blurt that out, ugh, now they are never going to leave me alone?)

"HE DID WHAT?" Shouted Ethan in an outrage.

"You idiot, Blake kissed her, are you deaf?

"How are you so calm our sweet baby sister might have a boyfriend?"

"Ethan, she is seventeen, of course she is going to get a boyfriend at some point," Explained Emma.

"But, Rose is our sister, we can't let anyone just date her!"

"I know that, but we've met Blake and he is not what everyone makes him out to be. He is a gentlemen and someone who can take care of Rose."

"You are only saying that because you are a girl, and I am a boy who knows boys intentions better than anyone in this god damn room."

"HELLO! I exist too you know," I shouted out.

They both snap their head towards me "Are either of you going to let me say anything in this matter, after all, we are talking about my feelings towards Blake, not how the both of you feel about Blake."

" Rose, my sweet little sister, you do not understand how boys work, boys are players, they will use you and throw you away like you are trash. Moreover, you deserve someone who will love you and cherish you. Don't you want someone who will care for you and treat you right?"

Emma replies for me, "Ethan, you've met Blake, don't you think he meets all your criteria in the perfect boyfriend for Rose."

"He does, but there is something about him that I do not trust, it's as if he is hiding something really dark, my guess is that he is in a gang. Seriously, you cannot know a person who has a Ferrari and is so damn nice not think that he might have other intentions."

"You are hopeless! Rose, please ignore Ethan and listen to me sweetie, I think Blake is the perfect person for you; I could see it in his eyes that he really cares for and always watches out for you."

"Thanks Emma, that means a lot and Ethan, you are no help what so ever. I am not making you pancakes again."

"No! Not my delicious pancakes, I am just looking out for you, why do you have to be so mean?" He pouts.

The sound of the doorbell has us all hushed. "Are we expecting someone?" Asked Emma.

"I am, but Sophie is not meant to come now, she said she was going to come at lunch time."

"Then who is at the door?" Asked Ethan.

"Wait here the both of you I am going to open the door."

Emma cannot open the door, what if a vampire captured her. As I was the last time, we had an unexpected visitor, I was not in the same house as my own.

I rush towards the door before Emma could stop me I yank the door open.


"Rose, it's been a while since we've last talked," said Becky.

"What are you doing here?"

"I have been sent by Blake to protect you during training; unfortunately for me I didn't have a choice. So we are going to have to deal with each other," said Becky.

"Protect me, I am just learning to shield what do you have to protect me from?"

"Can you let me in first?"

"Err, sure, come in."

"Rose who is she?" Asked Ethan.

"She is just a friend from school."

"I thought your friend Sophie was coming later today. So who is she?" Asked Emma suspiciously.

"Sophie is coming later and I didn't know Sophie invited someone else from our school to hang out so this is a surprise for me."

"Actually, Sophie is coming in about ten minutes, we have changed the time to come to your place," said Becky

"Oh, okay, well why don't you come to my room and we can catch up on things since we haven't talked in a while."

"Sure," replied Becky.

"Wait, you haven't had breakfast yet," said Ethan.

"I will eat in my room Ethan, just give me the plate."

"Let me know if the two of you need anything," said Emma.

"Sure, let's go Becky."

I grab my plate, butter knife and fork and head upstairs towards my bedroom along with Becky by my side.

I place my plate on my worktable beside my bed and then I come face to face with Becky.

"Do you mind telling me why you are here?"

"No, I do not mind, I will tell you everything since my order was to fill in all the details of why I have to protect you during your training," said Becky.

"No, I do not mind, I will tell you everything since my order was to fill in all the details of why I have to protect you during your training," said Becky

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