Chapter 11 Is this the end?

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Rosalyn's POV:

I am at home laying down on my bed and contemplating what just happened.

To be honest, I do not even know what to think of the situation that I am in. What do I do about this?

I can't be marked otherwise I'll probably die and even if I'm not marked I'll die from numerous threats and dangers that'll surround me, thanks to Blake.

*sigh* I am so stuck at this point; I do not even know why I am bothering with life.

Fate hates me; it just loves to make my life hard. Why did I have to have a mate? If I did not have a mate, I would not be in this situation.

I am so confused and so sick of life. To think, I could have a normal life for once. Ha! How stupid I am."

The sound of my phone ringing takes me away from my train of thoughts.

"Hello, who is this?"

"Hey Rose, it's me, Sophie, how are you?"

"Hi Sophie, I'm fine."

"You sure? If you want to talk to me about anything, you know I'm here for you."

"Did Blake ask you to ring me?"

"No, why would he do that? I called you because I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"So you do not know about me being in danger and how I have to be marked and all that stuff."

"Well I know you are in danger, but I did not know you have to be marked. You must be in a lot of danger for Blake to suggest you even be marked."

"Great, just great, thanks a lot Sophie, I know I'm in danger, but I have no idea what kind of danger I'm in and not to be rude, but am I not in danger even if I get marked."

"I get it is really hard to-

"No you do not get it, because you're not human, you're a vampire how you could never understand my situation!" I half screamed.

"Rose, calm down, just because I'm a vampire, it does not mean we don't have to go through the same pain when we are marked too."

"It is just a little bit worse for you because we do not know how long the pain will last."

"Then what do you suggest I do?"

"Well I think.... I do not know, but I think that you should be marked because at this moment you do not have any other choice."

"Please Sophie, tell me what kind of danger am I even in, last time I checked, I was doing fine."

"Rose, you have to understand this person we're dealing with maybe the most powerful vampire out there.

Which means he or she could hurt you in ways that are far worse than your imaginations and since he or she hurt your friend, it's most likely he or she will do worse to you."

"Blake just does not want to risk you getting hurt."

"All right, I have made my decision, I will talk to you later Sophie."

"Bye Rose."

Oh, gosh, looks like I will need to say goodbye to some people.
I quickly call Ibrahim.

"Hello, its Ibrahim, how may I help?"

"Hey Ibrahim, I just wanted to say thanks for always caring for me and being there for Mohima and me whenever we needed you.

I really appreciate how much you have taught me and I really miss you."

"You're welcome, but why do I get the feeling that this is some kind of goodbye."

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