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Jessica was in the kitchen cooking breakfast for her husband and their two daughter's Stephanie and Emma. Stephanie was fourteen years old and Emma was twelve years old. Jessica also has a twenty one year old son Mathew whom she had with her ex husband, Samuel Shepard. Mathew is in the army and is stationed in Hawaii.

Danny came downstairs dressed in his suit ready for his work day; Danny worked in advertising. Jessica was a professional photographer and she was able to be her own boss and make her own hours. She even has publish two books of her work.

Danny walks up behind Jessica and wraps his arms around her waist and he kisses her cheek. She smiles and turns her head to kiss his lips.

"How are you feeling?" Danny asked.
"I'm feeling the same." Jessica replied as she sighed. "I made a doctors appointment for later today for some tests and will get the results tomorrow. Hopefully it's nothing."

Jessica had been feeling really rundown lately; she was always feeling tired all the time and she was feeling nauseous. She was afraid that the cancer was back. She had beaten breast cancer six years ago and had been doing well since then.

Danny could hear the fear in her voice and if he was being truthful with himself, he was afraid too. He couldn't stand the thought of having Jessica go through chemo and all that cancer brought along with it, and worst of all, he couldn't stand the thought of losing her.

Danny composed himself and said. "I'm sure you will be fine. Maybe you just need a small break from working so much. I'll get the day off tomorrow to go with you to hear the results."
Jessica nodded her head then kissed Danny once again and went back to cooking breakfast.

Stephanie and Emma walked down the stairs a few minutes later and wished their parents a good morning and helped Jessica with breakfast; they knew she wasn't feeling well.

They all sat down and had a nice breakfast as a family then Danny kissed Jessica goodbye and her daughter's followed giving their mother a hug and a kiss on her cheek. Danny always took his daughter's to school every morning while Jessica picked them up from school in the afternoon.

Once her family left, Jessica felt nauseous again. She rushed to the downstairs bathroom and threw up her breakfast. She came out after freshening up then she laid on the sofa for a while. She sobbed as fear washed over her once again.

She calmed down after a few minutes then she went upstairs to get dressed to go to her doctors appointment.

Jessica's doctor, Dr. Mars ran a variety of tests on Jessica. Dr. Mars has been there with Jessica since she had her first diagnoses. Dr. Mars was there every step of the way with Jessica through chemo and radiation. And finally, she was there when Jessica beat breast cancer.

Dr. Mars gave Jessica a huge hug when they were done and told her everything was going to be okay. Jessica gave her a tired smile and they said goodbye until the next day.

When Jessica arrived home, she went upstairs and laid down in bed. She had a few hours till she had to pick up her girls so she decided to take a nap.

Sometime later, Danny walked through the door with Stephanie and Emma following behind. They were in tears, worried when Jessica didn't pick them up from school. Stephanie had to call Danny to pick them up and he had to get off of work a bit earlier than usual.

Danny rushed upstairs to see if Jessica was there. Stephanie and Emma dropped their backpacks by the door and ran behind their father.

"Jessica!" Danny called out. "Jessica!"
He opened the bedroom door to find Jessica fast asleep curled on her side hugging a pillow. "Jess!?" He sat by her and shook her gently.
Stephanie and Emma watched nervously.

Jessica stirred and opened her eyes; she smiled when she saw Danny then saw her two girls standing close by and she finally remembered.

"Oh my god! Stephanie! Emma! I...I am so sorry!" Jessica said as she began to cry. "I got home from my appointment and...I was so exhausted. I was only going to take a quick nap before picking you both up!"
Jessica shot up from her bed and rushed to hug her daughter's. "I'm so sorry girls! I didn't mean to over sleep! I'm sorry I didn't pick you up!"

Stephanie and Emma hugged their mother tightly, relieved that she was okay.

"Mommy! It's alright! Emma and I are just glad you are okay!" Stephanie said and Emma nodded her head in agreement. They hugged each other for a moment longer then Danny joined in the hug.

Jessica still felt bad about over sleeping and not picking up her daughters like she was supposed to but as the night went on, they all made her feel a bit better.

Danny even cooked dinner for everyone and did the dishes after. During bed time, Jessica kissed her girls goodnight and tucked them in. Even though Stephanie was fourteen years old, she didn't mind being tucked in by her mother. Almost losing Jessica made her realize how precious each day it was to have Jessica in her life.

Jessica then walked to her bedroom, changed into her pajamas then climbed into bed and laid down next to Danny. She laid her head on his chest and said. "I'm sorry Danny. I shouldn't have taken that nap."
"Hey, it's okay Jess. We are just glad you were home and in bed asleep. Don't worry anymore Jessica. It's in the past now." Danny said as he caressed her cheek then gave her kiss on her lips. Jessica sighed in content then smiled and kissed Danny back.
"I love you Jessica." Danny said lovingly.
"I love you Danny." Jessica replied.

I hope you all liked this first chapter!
Please let me know what you all think.

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