Until I Fall Asleep

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As the months passed, Jessica's health declined fast. She lost so much weight; she was now skin and bones from vomiting so much due to the chemo therapy plus radiation. Jessica's appetite decreased; whenever she would eat, or try to eat, she wouldn't be able to taste the food she was eating. There was no flavor what's so ever to the food. Also, mouth sores suddenly appeared making Jessica cry in pain.

Dr. Mars put Jessica on a feeding tube to give her the nutrients she so desperately needed.

Jessica's hair fell out completely and she kept a scarf on her head at all times.

Even though Jessica was scared, in the beginning, she started off strong and kept her hopes high. Now however, she became depressed. Even more so because since she had started radiation and due to that type of treatment, she had to be quarantined into a hospital room. Jessica did not know about this part of radiation treatment and she sobbed when she realized she wouldn't be able to be around Sophia or anyone else until she was done with radiation treatment. The only contact she had with Sophia and her family was seeing them through a laptop that Danny had dropped off for her so she could at least have some kind of contact with her family.

Also another way Jessica could have visitors was for her visitors to be behind a glass window. Sort of like Jessica had to be stuck inside a bubble.

Jessica was desperate for human contact other than her doctor and nurses. They had to take precaution while treating her and they had to wear special covers over their scrubs to go inside Jessica's room.

While Jessica was in the hospital, Dorothy took care of Sophia while Danny was at work and the girls were at school. But as soon as Danny was out of work, he would become a single father of three daughters.

He so desperately wanted his wife back. He missed her immensely.

When it came to Sophia, in order to get her used to Jessica, Danny would wrap her in some of Jessica's blouses so she would know Jessica's smell. Also, he would play her some home videos with Jessica speaking or singing.

Sophia was now two months old and when Jessica would video chat with Danny, Sophia would have a smile on her face when she sees Jessica and hears her voice. Even though she didn't know her mother's touch, Sophia knew who Jessica was.

Jessica was so happy the day that she was able to speak to Mathew. Sam had dropped off his own laptop for Mathew while visiting and was able to call Jessica through video chat.

Jessica cried tears of joy when she saw Mathew and that he was speaking so much better than before. Mathew would still stutter but not as much. Also, Mathew was able to move his arms and upper body but had yet to move his legs.

"I ccann't wait ttto cccome home." Mathew said happily.
"I can't wait for you to come home too." Jessica said softly with a small chuckle.

Mathew hated seeing his mother so sick; to him, it seemed as if Jessica was worse this time around. He was so afraid that this illness would take his mother away forever.

When Mathew would hang up with Jessica, he would sob. He wished he could go home already and be by his mother's side.

Stephanie and Emma were having just as a hard time being away from their mother. Sure they would visit her and talk to her but it wasn't the same as actually giving their mother a hug. They wanted so badly to just comfort their mother in her time of need and of course, theirs.

"Danny...I want to come home!" Jessica sobbed one night as Danny stayed up talking to Jessica.
"I know Jess. I want you to come home too." Danny said as he tried to be strong.
"I miss you so much!" Jessica continued. "I miss my girls! I want to hold all three of them in my arms and never let go! I've missed almost two months of Sophia's life. I haven't held her since she went home! I want to hold my baby Danny! I want to you to hold me and I want to hold you! God I hate this!!!"

Jessica began to struggle to breathe and Danny wanted nothing more than to jump through the screen and hold her.

"Jessica listen to me...you have to calm down okay?" Danny said in a calming voice. "You'll make yourself worse. I know you want to come home and be with us...but right now you can't. It sucks! I know how much it fucking sucks!" Danny held his tears in and stayed strong. "Jess, babe please listen to me. I know you will get through this and you will be home before you know it. Just please, please calm down."

Jessica listened to Danny's voice and calmed herself down. Her breathing going back to normal.

"I'm tired Danny. So tired." She said. "Will you stay online with me until I fall asleep?" Jessica then asked weakly.
"Of course." Danny said with a small smile. "Anything you want. I love you."
"I love you too...my love." Jessica said as her eyes closed shut.

Danny stayed on video chat and watched his wife fall into a peaceful sleep. Once he was sure Jessica was asleep did he let his tears fall.

He prayed like he never prayed before and asked god to save his wife's life and to not take her away from him.

One afternoon, Danny had to take his lunch break early and head straight to the hospital.
Dr. Mars wanted to speak with Danny and Jessica about Jessica's progress.

Jessica sat up in bed with Dr. Mars standing by the window of Jessica's room, both waiting for Danny to arrive.

Jessica was so tired and wanted to sleep but she knew Danny was coming and she wanted to see him so badly.

Finally, Danny arrived and he blew a kiss to Jessica. Jessica smiled and pretended to catch the kiss in her hand then she blew a kiss back; Danny repeating the pretend catch.

Jessica of course had tears in her eyes as she watched her husband through the window.

"Jessica...Danny..." Dr. Mars began seriously. "In Jessica's recent tests, we have found that...that..."

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