The Decision

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When Danny and the girls got home, not another word was spoken of their discussion from earlier. They knew that they would have to wait till Emma and Stephanie went to bed to continue their conversation.

Stephanie and Emma immediately asked how Jessica was doing and asked what did the doctor tell her.

"The cancer isn't back." Jessica replied. "Dr. Mars just told me to back off of work for a while." Jessica didn't want to tell them about the pregnancy just yet.
Stephanie and Emma let a sigh of relief and hugged their mother tightly.

They spent some time with Jessica for a few more minutes then they left to their rooms to work on their homework before dinner.

Once the girls left the room, Danny kissed Jessica then said. "I'll go start on dinner while you lay back and relax."
Jessica shook her head. "No Danny, it's okay. I'll cook dinner." She said.
Danny smiled and shook his head black at her. "Nope! I'm going to cook for my beautiful wife and two beautiful daughters."
Jessica teared up but smiled wide. "Thank you Danny. I love you."
"I love you too." Danny said then kissed Jessica on her lips one more time before leaving the room.

Dinner went on in the usual manner; Stephanie and Emma told their parents about their day at school and just talked as a family.

After dinner, Stephanie volunteered to clean up and wash dishes. Of course Jessica told her she didn't have to do it but Stephanie insisted.

Before bed, Emma suggested a board game before bed. They all sat down around the table and played a game of trouble. They all laughed and had a good time making a new memory to cherish for the rest of their lives.

When they finished their game, Jessica made sure her girls were tucked in nice and cozy in their beds. She gave them a kiss on their foreheads before heading to her bedroom.

She walked in and saw Danny staring out the window and up at the moon. She walked towards him and hugged him, resting her head on his chest. Danny embraced her and both relished the feeling of being in each other's arms.

"Danny...I want this baby." Jessica said as she pulled away to look into Danny's eyes. "Please, let's not focus on what can go wrong because we can't possibly know what's going to happen. Let's just take things day by day."
Danny stayed quiet as he thought long and hard about what Jessica was saying.
"Danny, please." Jessica went on as she took Danny's hand in hers and guided it to her belly. "This is our baby Danny, and I can't find it in me to terminate. Just think about it, we get to have this whole new person to have a chance to make great memories with, just like we made some new memories tonight as we played with our girls."

Danny took a deep breath and he began to stroke Jessica's belly gently. He was terrified of the prospect of the cancer coming back but he knew that Jessica's mind was made up and he couldn't ask Jessica to terminate this pregnancy. Danny pushed away his fears and smiled. " looks like we are having a baby?"
Jessica smiled wide as happy tears rolled down her cheeks. "Oh Danny! Thank you! Yes! We are having a baby!"

Jessica hugged Danny and for a moment, Danny felt excited about having another child with the women he loves.

They pulled away again and Jessica said. "Let's not tell Stephanie and Emma just yet. Tomorrow I want to go see Dr. Mars so we can see if everything is going well with our little miracle." She placed a hand on her belly.
"Alright, I'll go with you and see what else she tells us." Danny said.

Later that night, Jessica fell asleep with a smile on her face while Danny laid awake thinking about his fears. He couldn't help it but think that way and before he drifted off into a fitful sleep, he sent up a silent prayer into the heavens that Jessica and their baby would survive this.

Sorry for not updating in a while. I will try to update more.

I hope you all are still liking this story.

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