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The next morning, the Huston family had a quiet and relaxing start to their day. Jessica and Danny had thought of a way to announce the good news to their parents. Jessica thought of a cute way to so and took a quick trip to the closet store and bought what she needed.

She put the "gifts" in gift boxes and she placed a big bow on each box. She smiled at her handy work then hid them away until it was time to give them to their parents. She bought a gift for each parent.

Later that night, Jessica's parents, Albert and Dorothy arrived at Jessica's and Danny's home. They greeted each other and Stephanie and Emma hugged their grandparents tightly telling them how much they missed them. Albert who was always spoiling the girls, he gave them each twenty dollars to spend on whatever they wanted. Jessica shook her head but had a smile on her face. Albert loved his granddaughters very much. Stephanie grew up closest to Albert and Dorothy and she was a grandpa's girl.

After greeting everyone, Albert and Danny sat in the living room while Jessica and Dorothy went into the kitchen.

Jessica tried to tell her mother that she didn't need to help. She was more than happy to make dinner for everyone, to which Dorothy didn't listen and she helped Jessica with dinner.

Once their meal was ready, they all sat down in the dining room and ate while they talked about what has been going on in their lives.

"How's Mathew? Have you spoken to him?" Dorothy asked Jessica.
"I haven't spoken to him but we have written to each other. He's doing great and he said he was coming home for the holidays. I can't wait! I miss my baby boy." Jessica replied, getting tear-y eyed as she thought of her son.
"Jessica, what's wrong?" Dorothy asked worriedly.
"Nothing. I just miss Mathew." Jessica said her voice thick with emotion. Yes, Jessica missed Mathew very much but she knew why she got so emotional. Her hormones were starting to take over. Jessica chuckled and wiped her tears away. "I'm sorry. I don't know what has gotten into me."

After that they continued to eat their meal and after they were finished eating, Dorothy helped Jessica take the plates to kitchen then they came back with dessert.

Once everyone was served a piece of cake, Jessica decided it was time to give her parents their "gifts". Jessica looked at Danny and he nodded knowing she eager to tell her parents about the baby.

Jessica excused herself for a moment to grab the gift boxes. She returned with them and said. "Danny and I went shopping the other day and saw these. They had your names al over them. I told Danny that I had to get them for the both of you."
"Oh Jessica, you didn't have to buy us anything." Albert said.
"But I wanted to daddy. Plus, I think your gifts will come in handy very soon." Jessica said with a huge smile. "Oh! Open them at the same time!"

Dorothy and Albert gave each other a look then they shrugged their shoulders and opened their gifts.

They each pulled out a pacifier that had a tag on it. On the tag had a message written on it.
Dorothy and Albert wore identical confused looks on their faces then read what was written on the tag.

Dear Grandma and Grandpa,
Please hold this for me incase I come to visit. Knowing my mommy she will probably forget it. See you in five months!
Love, Baby Huston

Dorothy and Albert quickly looked up at Jessica who was now standing next to Danny with their hands on Jessica's belly.

"Oh my goodness!" Dorothy exclaimed with a huge smile on her face and tears of joys in her eyes.

Dorothy jumped up and hugged Jessica then Danny. Albert followed close behind and congratulated his daughter and son in law.

In that moment, Jessica felt so happy; they didn't bring up the risks or the risk of the cancer coming back. Jessica didn't want to focus on that.

Dorothy and Albert were both happy and couldn't wait to meet their new grandchild.
Dorothy was already talking about planning a baby shower for Jessica and she was already planing on buying so many things for the baby.

The next evening, the same process went on with Danny's parents. Jessica had hidden the gifts inside her purse.

They ate dinner then after dessert, Jessica gave them their gifts. Danny's parents were also so happy to hear they were going to have another grandchild and just like Dorothy, Danny's mother was already planning on buying the baby's wardrobe.

After telling their parents, Jessica called her brother and sisters to tell them the news and Danny called his sister. Of course, everyone was happy and couldn't wait to meet their new niece or nephew.

Jessica and Danny would find out the gender of their baby in a few days before thanksgiving so they decided to announce the gender on thanksgiving when all their family will be there for dinner.

Everything was moving smoothly, Jessica had reached five months of pregnancy and she enjoyed every minute of it. Especially when the baby began to move around and kick. Her hands were glued to her belly which had grown immensely.

Jessica had continued to go to her doctors appointments and the usual tests were being performed.

One day after having some testing done, Jessica and Danny found out the gender of the baby. They were both over the moon, although they would have been happy either way as long as the baby was healthy.

A few days before thanksgiving, Mathew had arrived home and he was shocked to see his mother with a baby bump.

"Surprise!" Jessica chuckled as she hugged her son as he walked through the front door. "You're going to have a new sibling!"
Mathew smiled and hugged his mother tightly. "That's great mom! Congratulations."
Jessica pulled away and took in his appearance. "Oh Matty! My handsome baby boy! I missed you so much!" She said as she teared up.
"I missed you too mom." Mathew said. "Also, I miss your cooking." He chuckled.
"I made your favorite!" Jessica said happily.
"Lasagna with homemade garlic bread?" Mathew asked his mouth watering at the thought.
"Yep! With a side salad." Jessica said with a chuckle.
"Thank you mom! You're the best." Mathew said as he hugged her once again.

That night, they ate dinner and Mathew caught Jessica and Danny up on what he's been up too. Stephanie and Emma were happy to have their big brother home for the holidays and wished he didn't have to leave again at the beginning of January. Jessica wished for the same thing; she hated to see her baby boy leave. What she hated most was the fear of not knowing when he would be sent to fight in the war that has been going on. Jessica prayed that Mathew wouldn't be sent to Afghanistan or Iraq.

The next day, Jessica had her appointment to get the results of the tests she had gone through. Danny was right beside her and they walked hand in hand as they went inside of Dr. Mars's office.

Jessica and Danny sat down as they waited for Dr. Mars. Jessica smiled as she placed her hand on her belly; the baby kicking like crazy.

Danny saw and placed his hand on her belly and smiled wide. "That never ceases to amaze me. Well, hello little one. Tell me, what's going on in there? Are you having a party?" He said with chuckle.
Jessica laughed and said. "It sure seems like it! Oh Danny, I still can't believe we get to this again. I can't to meet our baby!"
"Me either." Danny said as he bent down a little and said to the baby. "Do you hear that? Daddy and mommy can't wait to meet you! Of course, don't get too eager. We want you to bake in mommy's belly for a long time till it's safe for you to come into this world."
Danny kisses Jessica belly then rises up to kiss Jessica's lips. "I love you Jess."
"I love you Danny." Jessica replied.

A few moments later, Dr. Mars walked in and greeted Danny and Jessica. Her face was masked of emotion and Jessica can't tell what news was about to be said.

"Jessica...Danny...I'm not going to beat around the bush. You're test results came back and..." Dr. Mars takes a deep breath then continues. "I'm sorry to tell you this but, the results show that you have cancer."

Sorry for the late update. I tried to update earlier but wasn't able to.

What are your thoughts about this chapter?
I know the news isn't good but I want to know what do you all think the gender of the baby is? Please comment!

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