I Need Your Help

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Danny had been in some meetings all morning but he couldn't really concentrate on them. He tried to keep up with what was being discussed but he had Jessica on his mind.

She should be getting the summons soon. I'm sorry Jessica but I had to do this. Danny thought to himself.

Finally the final meeting was over and he was now in his office waiting for Jessica's call. He knew she would call as soon as she read the court summons. The court date was set; the date was in two days.

After a few minutes past 1 pm, Danny's cell phone rang. He took a deep breath already knowing it was Jessica calling. Sure enough, Jessica's number flashed on the screen.

"Hello." Danny said nervously.
"What the hell is this Daniel!?" Jessica's said sounding angry. "Why would you sue me for sole custody of our baby!?"
"Jess..." Danny said taking another deep breath then letting it out. "I'm suing you for custody because I want to keep you alive. Jessica, I love you with all my heart and I don't want to lose you. This was the only way I could think of to save your life."

Danny heard Jessica sobbing and his heart ached as he heard her.

"I hate you Daniel Huston! I can't believe you're doing this!" Jessica sobbed.
"I don't care if you hate me, but I do care about your health. Hate me all you want, as long as you're alive. That's all I care about." Danny said as calmly as he could. "I love you Jessica."

Jessica didn't say anything; she was too angry. The only thing she did was hang up on Danny.

Jessica continued to cry as she held her belly with both her hands. She couldn't believe that Danny would do this.

Jessica calmed down after a while then picked up her phone again. She waited anxiously for an answer.

"Hey Jess! How are you? How's the baby doing?" The voice said happily.
"Sarah..." Jessica said her voice filled with emotion. "...I need your help. Please, could you come over?"

Sarah Paulson was Jessica's best friend since childhood. Sarah was a lawyer now and if Jessica ever needed a lawyer, Sarah was the one to help and this was one of those cases.

Sarah heard the urgency in Jessica's voice and said. "I'm just getting out of work. I'll be there in twenty minutes."
"Thank you Sarah, I'll see you soon." Jessica said as she relaxed a little.
"See you soon!" Sarah replied.

Sarah hung up and Jessica tried to calm herself down again. Suddenly, pain shot through her abdomen.

"Ow!" She cried out as she put a hand where the pain was. "I'm sorry baby girl. You must not like it when mommy is upset, huh?" She said as she breathed through the pain.

Jessica sat back on the sofa and rubbed her belly, trying to calm her baby down and also herself. She closed her eyes and began to sing; the baby settled down and was now gently kicking her. She smiled through her tears that were still rolling down her cheeks.

Twenty minutes later, Sarah knocked on the door and Jessica let her in. She immediately hugged Sarah and cried on her shoulder.

Sarah quickly closed the door then held onto Jessica. She just let Jessica cry then after a while, she led Jessica to sit on the sofa.

"Jess, what's wrong?" Sarah asked pulling Jessica away to look at her.
Jessica was too emotional, so she grabbed the court papers and handed them to Sarah.

Sarah read through everything and was shocked to see that Danny would do this. However she was torn; in a way she understood why Danny had done this but the other part wanted to support her best friend.

"Would you please be my lawyer?" Jessica asked. She had stopped crying so hard and now was able to speak.
"Of course I will." Sarah said. "You know I'm always here for you. But..."
"But what?" Jessica asked.
"Jessica...can't you understand where Danny is coming from?" Sarah asked hesitantly. "Danny is suing you for sole custody of your baby so he can get you to have the c-section. This is his way of saving your life Jess. He is doing this because he loves you."

Jessica grew angry at Sarah. "What about my baby's life!? Sarah, are you on Danny's side?"
"No. I'm not on anyone's side." Sarah said calmly. "Jessica...I'm just saying that I get where he's coming from. We love you very much and..." tears formed in Sarah's eyes then they spilled down her cheeks. "...we want you here with us till we are old and grey. Jess, you're my best friend, I don't want to lose you."

Jessica looked down at her belly and stroked it gently. "I...I know. I feel so torn Sarah. A part of me knows that...that I need to deliver early but, the momma bear part of me that wants to protect her child is winning. All I want to do is protect my baby girl for as long as I can so she can be big and strong. Sarah...you're a mother too. Please try to understand where I'm coming from."

Sarah chewed the inside of her cheek as she thought of her two children. Sarah and her wife Lily have two year old twin sons. Sarah carried them to term and she understood how Jessica felt. Sarah's pregnancy was rough and she had a scare. She almost lost her twins so she knew how it feels to want to keep her babies safe inside of her for as long as possible.

Sarah shook herself out of her thoughts and said. "I understand Jess. Okay, I'll go over these papers tonight then I'll come by first thing in the morning so we can go over things. Wow, two days. Danny really put a rush on this. Well, hopefully it'll be over soon. Hang tight okay?"
"Thank you Sarah! Thank you." Jessica said as she hugged Sarah.

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