Mommy Is Here

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The next few days were torture for Jessica. Lieutenant Porter hadn't called Sam back and both of them were going out for their minds.

It was now the day before her c-section and Jessica laid in bed praying that the phone would ring telling them that Mathew was home.

Dorothy had moved in to Jessica's home for now and Albert would visit everyday from the time he got out of work till it was time to go to bed. Both parents were there for Jessica and they too prayed for their grandson to be transferred back to California.

Dorothy was at her wits end because Jessica wasn't sleeping and she was very worried for her daughter. So, she found a tea that would help Jessica get the sleep she needed.

After Jessica drank her tea, she curled into her mother's side and held her close. Dorothy held onto her and hoped Jessica would get some sleep.

Jessica began to feel drowsy but was fighting her sleep. She didn't want to miss the phone call incase it came.

"Mom...why is life kicking me down so much lately?" Jessica said sleepily. "First, the cancer comes back, I go through the god awful chemo, we find out it is spreading, then I am being forced to deliver my baby two months early, and my baby boy..."
Jessica began to quietly sob again.

Dorothy also had tears in her eyes; she took a deep breath and said. "I don't know baby. Just...sometimes throughout your life, you will be put through different kinds of challenges and situations. You may not feel this way now but, I feel as if you will become a stronger person once you get through these obstacles that life put you in. Remember the first time when you were diagnosed? You felt like there was no hope and you felt you wouldn't survive it. Well, now look at you. You are already strong Jessica and you will just be that much stronger now. I know you will get through this."

Jessica didn't say anything so Dorothy looked down and found her fast asleep. Dorothy couldn't help but chuckle. "Here I was having a heart to heart, trying to say the right thing and she falls asleep on me." She thinks to herself. "Thank goodness."

"Sleep tight my baby girl." Dorothy whispered. "I love you."

Jessica got the sleep she so desperately needed; she was now well rested . She woke up around dinner time where she ate very little. The worry never went away.

Around 9 pm, Jessica was getting ready for bed and packing a bag for her hospital stay. With everything going on with Mathew she was having second thoughts of having the c-section.

She felt that it was not the right time; what if they got the call and she was stuck in the hospital.

Suddenly she and Danny heard knocking coming from the front door.

Danny wasn't sure who it could be at this time of night so he took a baseball bat he kept close by his bedside in case of an emergency.

Jessica followed close behind and by the time they got downstairs, Dorothy had already answered the door.

Sam rushed in and said. "Jess, Mathew's in California! He's in San Francisco!"

Jessica rushed to Sam's side and said. "We have to go! We have to be there for him!"

"Jessica, you can't fly right now and San Francisco is over five hours away by car. Plus, you have to be checked into the hospital in a few hours. Honey, you can't go." Danny said gently.

"The hell I can't! I'm going one way or the other! I have to be by Mathew's side." Jessica said looking at Danny with determination. "I know what tomorrow is but I need to see Mathew."

Everyone looked at each other then Danny said. "Fine. It's going to be long drive. Dorothy, would mind staying with the girls while Sam, Jessica and I drive to San Francisco?"
"I don't mind at all. Just please call me as soon as you see Mathew. Please." Dorothy replied.
"Of course." Danny said.

After that interaction, Jessica rushed upstairs to get ready and to pack some extra clothes. She didn't say anything, but she knew once she was in San Francisco, she wasn't leaving until she knew Mathew was okay.

That means she would miss her c-section; she knew what that could mean but in this moment all she cared about was being with Mathew.

Once Jessica was ready, she said goodbye to Stephanie and Emma. They had wanted to go along too but Dorothy convinced them that they needed to stay put for now.

The drive to San Francisco was a quiet one; everyone lost in their own thoughts. Danny drove since Sam was just as nervous and emotional.

After over five hours on the road, they arrived at the hospital. Jessica rushed out of the car once Danny had parked and she beat them to the front desk.

Usually, by the time they reached the hospital, visiting hours were over but due to the circumstances, the hospital staff made an exception for Jessica, Sam and Danny to see Mathew.

First, Mathew's doctor that was assigned to his case at this hospital spoke to Jessica and Sam first. The doctor finally told them the extent of Mathew's gunshot wound. Jessica, Sam and Danny weren't aware of where Mathew had been shot.

"Your son was shot in his head. The doctors overseas managed to remove the bullet and they were able to get him stable. Mathew is currently in a coma and we won't know if there was any brain damage until he wakes up." Dr. Marley said as they all gathered in his office.

Jessica's tears rolled down her cheeks; Danny held onto her hand tightly, not letting go for anything.

Sam just hanged his head and began to pray that his son would make a full recovery.

Dr. Marley spoke to them for a few more minutes then led them to Mathew's hospital room.

Sam went in first then Jessica and Danny; as soon as Jessica saw Mathew her knees buckled. Danny held onto her so she wouldn't fall.

Mathew once a strong looking young man now looked so small like a child in that hospital bed with tubes going down his throat helping him breathe. There were wires all over his body; his head was heavily bandaged and he looked so pale.

Jessica turned towards Danny and buried her face into Danny's chest. She was sobbing loudly.

"Oh god! I wasn't prepared to see him like this!" Jessica sobbed.

Dr. Marley hated this part of his job. He hated seeing so many families go through the pain of seeing their loved ones on the brink of death. Dr. Marley told them he would give them time alone and that he and his staff would do whatever they could to make them comfortable. He knew Jessica wasn't leaving Mathew's side any time soon.

After Dr. Marley excused himself, Jessica and Sam walked over to the bed and each grabbed Mathew's hands.

Danny stood back, wanting to give Jessica and Sam their time with Mathew but still stayed close to Jessica. He didn't like the color that Jessica's skin had taken. She looked white as a sheet of paper and he was afraid she would pass out.

"Oh Mathew. My baby boy, I love you." Jessica said softly. "Mommy is here. Mommy is here and I need you to wake up for me. Please wake up Mathew, please."

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